赣南地区具有开展大规模柑橘种植的优越山地、气候条件。自20世纪70年代开始种植柑橘以来,在赣州地区柑橘产业现已发展成为当地农业主导产业。在Google Earth平台支持下,通过实地核查和目视解译赣南地区柑橘果园分布信息,并利用地形数据、道路和居民点分布数据等,分析柑橘果园的空间分布特征,探讨不同空间尺度下柑橘果园的聚集特征。结果表明:1)赣南柑橘果园面积约1 516.8 km2,其中寻乌、信丰、安远为柑橘种植的主要县区;2)柑橘果园主要分布于高程100~500 m、坡度<25°的低缓坡地带,坡度>25°的柑橘果园面积为90.2 km2,约占总面积5.9%;3)柑橘果园主要分布于距离主要道路两侧3 km及以居民点为中心半径2 km的区域范围内,分别占总面积93.4%、97.1%,体现出对道路与居民点区位的高度依赖特征;4)县域尺度、10 km、5 km和1 km格网尺度下的柑橘种植密度呈显著空间正相关,属空间聚集分布模式,随空间尺度降低,聚集度越高;5)赣南地区柑橘果园逐渐呈现出种植规模化、连片化、景观单一化的特征。
South of Jiangxi province,abbreviated as Gannan,takes possession of hilly land resource and climate condition which would profitably benefit to cultivate citrus on a large scale. Since the citrus was planted in 1970 s in Gannan,the local government has put forward a series of policies to support the development of citrus planting industry. And nowadays,citrus planting has been a leadingagricultural sector in Gannan. In the study,the distribution of citrus in Gannan was mapped with artificial visual interpretation based on remote sensing images with high spatial resolution provided by Google Earth platform. The spatial pattern such as clustering characteristics,autocorrelation between road network and resident with citrus orchard were analyzed with Arc GIS software. The results showed that:1) The total area of citrus orchards was about 1 516. 8 km^2,and the top three counties of citrus orchard area were Xunwu county,Xinfeng county and Anyuan county sequentially;2) Citrus orchards in Gannan was mainly distributed at the region with altitude ranged from 100 m to 500 m and the hillside fields with slope less than 25°. 3) Citrus orchards in Gannan were mainly near to roads with distance less than 3 km,and to residential areas with distance no more than 2 km. 4) The citrus planting density showed significant autocorrelation spatially for all the four spatial scales. Moran' s I index of citrus planting density was greater than 0 for all four spatial scales and was increasing when downscaling. The spatial clustering pattern of citrus planting density between each adjacent spatial cell in different spatial scales was detected. 5) As a result of extensive cultivation of citrus in Gannan,the landscape in Gannan come to single,continuous and massive.
ZHANG Qiming;XU Hanzeyu;JIANG Feng;QI Shuhua(Environmental Monitoring Center of Jiangxi Province,330039,Nangchang,PRC;Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Wetland and Watershed Research,Ministry of Education,Jiangxi Normal University,330022,Nanchang,PRC;School of Geography and Environment,Jiangxi Normal University,330022,Nanchang,PRC;Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Comprehensive Management and Resources Exploitation,Jiangxi Normal of University,330022,Nanchang,PRC)
Jiangxi Science