
“孤岛”不孤——《英国音乐》中的共同体情怀 被引量:3

No Island is An Island:A Vision of Community in English Music
摘要 一些学者认为彼得·阿克罗伊德的作品体现了后现代策略与保守民族身份建构之间的矛盾,但是阿克罗伊德坚信文学作品中的模仿和杂糅风格并非后现代的特点,而是英国特性的本来面目;重写民族历史不是为了颠覆传统经典,而是为了借助文化传统中尚存的情感纽带来连接现在和过去,恢复英国特性中开放、包容的特征,让共同体在当代多元文化的语境中得以继续发生、发展。阿克罗伊德的小说《英国音乐》较为充分地体现了上述特征。本文将从"尚古情怀""天地情怀"和"后现代策略"三个方面,讨论"《英国音乐》重构英国传统"这一尚未引起学界注意的问题。 Some scholars claim that there exists in Peter Ackroyd's works a contradiction between postmodern strategy and conservative national identity construction. Ackroyd believes, however, that the pastiche in his works is not innately postmodern and does not aim to subvert the traditional classics. Instead, it aims to bond the past and the present with common English sensibility, and to recuperate the innate openness and hybridity of English culture, thus developing a vision of community in the contemporary multi-cultural context. In a way, Ackroyd's novel English Music can be exemplified to illustrate the above-mentioned features in Englishness. This article intends to discuss the way in which the novel reconstructs the English tradition from three hitherto neglected perspectives, namely antiquarianism, genius loci and postmodern strategies.
作者 金佳 Jin Jia(PhD Candidate of English literature at School of International Studies,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province,China)
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期13-21,共9页 Foreign Literature
基金 国家社会科学研究基金重大项目"文化观念流变中的英国文学典籍研究"(12&ZD172)
关键词 彼得·阿克罗伊德《英国音乐》 孤岛 共同体 Peter Ackroyd English Music island community
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