目的了解2011—2016年重庆市万州区女性居民乳腺癌发病及死亡情况,为乳腺癌防治工作提供参考。方法乳腺癌发病和死亡资料来源于万州区疾控中心,人口资料来源于区计划生育办公室,结合2010年全国普查标准人口构成数据导入DeathReg2005,计算乳腺癌历年粗发病率和死亡率、标化发病率和死亡率,应用EXCEL2007绘制女性乳腺癌各年龄组发病率和死亡率线图,利用SPSS19.0对历年乳腺癌的发病率和死亡率进行趋势χ~2检验。结果 2011—2016年万州区女性居民乳腺癌共发病1 140例,年均粗发病率24.06/10万,年均标化发病率21.97/10万,共死亡359例,年均粗死亡率7.58/10万,年均标化死亡率6.78/10万。万州区女性居民20岁后开始有乳腺癌发病,随后逐渐升高,在35~59岁组达到峰值后逐渐下降,死亡率从20岁开始随年龄的增长而升高,年龄越大死亡率越高。对乳腺癌的发病率和死亡率是否有上升趋势作χ~2检验,P值均小于0.01,检验结果差异有统计学意义。结论万州区女性居民乳腺癌发病和死亡率有逐年上升的趋势,应重视女性乳腺癌的防控工作,将35~59岁的中年女性作为干预重点,减少乳腺癌对女性居民的健康危害。
Objective To investigate the breast cancer incidence and mortality of women in Wanzhou District of Chongqing from 2011 to 2016 in order to provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Methods The breast cancer incidence and death data was collected from Wanzhou CDC, and population information was gathered from the District Family Planning Office, which were used to calculate the crude and standardized incidence and mortality of breast cancer through combining with the 2010 national census standard population composition data imported DeathReg2005. The line graph about female breast cancer incidence and mortality in each age was drew by using EXCEL2007, and the trend chis quare test on the incidence and mortality of breast cancer over the years was verified by SPSS19.0. Results In 2011-2016,1 140 cases of breast cancer among female residents in Wanzhou District were reported, the average annual incidence was 24.06/100 000, the average annual standardized incidence was 21.97/100 000 with 359 cases of deaths, the average annual mortality was 7.58/100 000, the average annual standardized mortality was 6.78/100 000. The female residents began to have breast cancer after the age of 20 years in Wanzhou District, then gradually increased, gradually decreased after the peak in the 39-59 year-old group. The mortality rates had risen with age since the age of 20 years, and the higher the age, the higher themortality rate. Whether the incidence and mortality of breast cancer had an rising trend were tested by chi square test, and the P values were all less than 0.01. Conclusions Female residents' breast cancer incidence and mortality have increased year by year in Wanzhou District, the prevention and control of female breast cancer should be pay the attention. Middle-aged women of 35-59 years should be the focus of intervention to reduce the health hazards of breast cancer for female residents.
PENG Jin;CHEN Chunrong;WU Bo(Primary Public Health Section of Wanzhou District Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Chongqing,Chongqing 404100,China)
China Tropical Medicine
breast cancer