China's overseas consumption has the characteristics of large scale,obvious purchasing consumption,imitation wave consumption and Japan and Korea becoming the new hot spots of destination.Overseas consumption is affected by not only the general reasons of the national economic growth,the appreciation of the local currency,the relaxation of the outbound policy and the convenience of foreign payment,but also some China's specific reasons such as the dislocation of the domestic commodity supply and demand structure,the lack of consumers'confidence in the quality of domestic products,the immature consumer and the high prices of some high-end goods in the country.Overseas consumption has brought many negative impacts while enhancing China's international influence.Responding to overseas consumption,Japan and South Korea adopted a series of measures and achieved good results.China should take measures to attract inbound tourism,promote the rational pricing of high-end products at home,promote the upgrading of the product supply structure,guide the rational consumption of the residents,encourage domestic tourism companies to go out and so on,so as to actively guide the return of overseas consumption.