
1960—2013年中国地表潜在蒸散发时空变化及其对气象因子的敏感性 被引量:17

Spatial and Temporal Variation of Potential Evapotranspiration and Its Sensitivity to Meteorological Factors in China from 1960 to 2013
摘要 基于中国107个气象站点的常规观测资料,采用Penman-Monteith公式计算了1960—2013年的逐日潜在蒸散发(ET_0),分析了中国5大区域的ET_0对最高温度、最低温度、2 m风速、日照时长、平均气压、相对湿度和地表温度的敏感性及其分区特征。结果表明:(1)模拟的从1960—2013年平均ET_0和与蒸发皿蒸散发量之间的比值为0.55,各逐站点的ET_0与蒸发皿蒸散发的相关系数为0.84~0.98(剔除观测值为0的情况的样本)之间和0.42~0.81(未剔除观测值为0的情况的样本)。(2)本研究中模拟的ET_0以6.75 mm/10 a的速度呈现出下降的趋势。敏感性分析表明,在1960—2013年间的全国范围内,最高气温和最低气温分别上升0.68℃和1.54℃,相应地导致ET_0增加12.81 mm和14.13 mm;风速减小0.51 m/s,日照时长减少0.61 h,相对湿度减小2.84%,将分别导致蒸散量减少48.08 mm,21.5 mm,204.49 mm,这能很好的解释"蒸发悖论"问题。(3)对中国不同地理分区的ET_0,在东北区域、华北区域、和西北区域,蒸散量最敏感的气象因子是相对湿度,其次是风速;在西南区域和华中、华东区域,蒸散量最敏感的气象因子是相对湿度,其次是日照时长。 Based on the meteorological observation data of 107 meteorological stations in China during the period 1960-2013,daily potential evapotranspiration(ET0)is calculated using the FAO56 Penman-Monteith calculation method. The sensitivities of the potential evapotranspiration evaporation to the daily maximum temperature,daily minimum temperature,surface temperature,wind speed,relative humidity,sunshine duration and mean pressure were analyzed. The results showed that:(1)The ratio between the simulated annual mean potential evapotranspiration and the observed pan evapotranspiration was equal to 0.55 over all the stations during 1960-2013. The correlation coefficients between daily ET0 and daily pan evaporation ranged from 0.84 to 0.98(excluding the sample with the observed value of 0) and ranged from 0.42 to 0.81(including the sample with the observed value of 0).(2)From 1960-2013,the maximum temperature(0.19 ℃/10 a),the minimum temperature(0.39 ℃/10 a),and the ground surface temperature(0.37 ℃/10 a) showed increasing trends,while the sunshine duration(-0.15 h/10 a),the wind speed(-0.14 m(/s·10 a)) and the relative humidity(-0.51%/10 a)showed decreasing trends, and the simulated ET0 showed a decreasing trend at the speed of 6.75 mm/10 a in nationwide. The sensitivity analysis showed that the highest and lowest temperature increased by 0.68 degrees and 1.54 degrees,the ET0 increased 12.81 mm and 14.13 mm,while the wind speed decreased 0.51 m/s,sunshine duration decreased 0.61 h,relative humidity decreased 2.84%,leading to ET0 decreased 48.08 mm,21.5 mm,204.49 mm during1960-2013,the results could explain the "evaporation paradox"(.3) Spatially,in Northeast China,North China,Northwest China,the most sensitive meteorological factors to evapotranspiration was the relative humidity, followed by the wind speed. The most sensitive meteorological factors to evapotranspiration in Central and Eastern China and Southwest China was the relative humidity,then the sunsh
作者 赵亚迪 刘永和 李建林 刘秀 ZHAO Yadi;LIU Yonghe;LI Jianlin;LIU Xiu(School of Resources and Environment,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,China)
出处 《沙漠与绿洲气象》 2018年第3期1-9,共9页 Desert and Oasis Meteorology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41105074 41275108)资助
关键词 PENMAN-MONTEITH 潜在蒸散发 Sen斜率 Penman-Monteith potential evapo-transpiration Sen' s slope
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