
有机肥水溶性养分及评价指标研究 被引量:1

Assessment of soluble nutrients and indicators in organic fertilizers
摘要 为修订有机肥料标准提供理论和参考依据,本研究设置3类有机肥模拟样品:(1)畜禽粪便有机肥:鸡粪有机肥(C1)、C1+化肥+煤矸石(C1-CF-M1)、C1+化肥+风化煤(C1-CF-M2)、C1+化肥+腐殖酸土(C1-CF-M3);(2)中草药渣(发酵完全,Z1)、Z1+化肥(Z1-CF)、中草药渣(发酵不完全,Z2)、Z2+化肥(Z2-CF);(3)玉米芯菌菇包(H1)、H1+化肥(H1-CF),并测定其总养分和水溶性养分含量及容重,以探究有机肥养分及品质评价指标的合理范围。结果表明:1)各供试有机肥全氮、全磷、全钾含量相等时,C1的水溶性氮、磷、钾含量最低(3.83、3.58、8.50 g·kg^(-1)),而添加化肥的有机肥样品(C1-CF-M1、C1-CF-M2、C1-CF-M3、Z1-CF、Z2-CF、H1-CF)的水溶性氮、磷、钾含量分别高于7.45、8.71、15.78 g·kg^(-1);2)正常发酵的有机肥(C1、Z1、H1)水溶性氮占全氮含量的16.48%~24.66%,水溶性磷占全磷含量的12.92%~22.19%,水溶性钾占全钾含量的19.48%~39.27%,水溶性有机质占总有机质含量的6.37%~9.80%,容重低于0.51 g·cm^(-3);而添加化肥的有机肥样品(C1-CF-M1、C1-CF-M2、C1-CF-M3、Z1-CF、Z2-CF、H1-CF)的水溶性氮占全氮含量的47.91%以上,水溶性磷占全磷含量的54.03%以上,水溶性钾占全钾含量的72.90%以上;C1-CF-M1、C1-CF-M2、C1-CF-M3处理的水溶性有机质占总有机质含量的1%以下,容重高于0.69 g·cm^(-3);3)未发酵完全的处理Z2,其水溶性氮占全氮含量的13.93%以下,水溶性磷占全磷含量的10.37%以下,水溶性钾占全钾含量的21.94%以下,水溶性有机质占总有机质含量的2.29%,容重低于0.51 g·cm^(-3)。因此,供试有机肥均达到农业行业标准(NY 525-2012)的前提下,进一步检测其水溶性养分含量以及容重,可为农业行业标准(NY 525-2012)修订提供多元检测方法和理论依据。 Abstract: To further expand the national organic fertilizer standard, three types of organic fertilizer samples were set up: (1) Pigand chicken manure: chicken manure (C1), C1 + chemical fertilizer + coal gangue (C1-CF-M1), C1 + chemical fertilizer +weathered coal (C1-CF-M2), C1 + chemical fertilizer + humic soil (C1-CF-M3), (2) Chinese herb residue (fermented) (Z1),Z1 + chemical fertilizer (Z1-CF), Chinese herb residue (unfermented) (Z2), Z2 + chemical fertilizer (Z2-CF), (3) corncobmushroom package (fermented) (H1), H1 + chemical fertilizer (H1-CF). The total nutrients ( nitrogen, phosphorus,potassium, and organic matter), and soluble nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and organic matter) and bulk den-sity were detected. The results showed that: 1) when the contents of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium of thetested organic fertilizers were equal, soluble nitrogen, soluble phosphorus and soluble potassium of C1 were the lowest(i, e, 3, 83, 3, 58, 8, 50 g,kg- 1, respectively), but those in the C1-CF-M1, C1-CF-M2, C1-CF-M3, Z1-CF, Z2-CF, H1-CF treatments were higher than 7, 45, 8, 71, 15, 78 g,kg- 1, respectively, 2) The contents of soluble nitrogen, phosphorus,potassium and organic matter accounted for 16, 48% - 24, 66%, 12, 92% - 22, 19%, 19, 48% - 39, 27% and 6, 37% - 9, 8%of total nutrients for the C1, Z1, H1 treatment, respectively, and the bulk density were less than 0, 51 g,cm- 3. While thosein C1-CF-M1, C1-CF-M2, C1-CF-M3, Z1-CF, Z2-CF, H1-CF treatments were more than 47, 91%, 54, 03% and 72, 90%,respectively, and the ratio of soluble organic matter to total organic matter in C1-CF-M1, C1-CF-M2, C1-CF-M3 treatments wereless than 1%, and the bulk density were more than 0, 69 g,cm- 3, 3) The contents of soluble nitrogen, phosphorus, potassi-um and organic matter accounted for 13, 93%, 10, 37%, 21, 94% and 2, 29% of total nutrients for the Z2 treatments, respec-tively, and the b
作者 冯龙 张旭博 孙楠 梁硕 唐瑜 吴正肖 李雄 陶雯 张崇玉 FENG Long1, ZHANG Xu-bo2, SUN Nan3, LIANG Shuo2, TANG Yu1, WU Zheng-xiao1, LI Xiong1, TAO Wen1,ZHANG Chong-yu1,(1. Agricultural College of Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025; 2. Key Lab. of Ecosystem NetworkObservation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101; 3. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences /National Engineering Laboratory for Improving Quality of Arable Land, Beijing 10008)
出处 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期122-127,共6页 Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
基金 贵州省农业科技攻关项目:黔科合NY(2013)3028 国家科技支撑计划(2014BAD14B03)
关键词 有机肥 品质评价 水溶性养分 容重 organic fertilizer quality evaluation soluble nutrient bulk density
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