本文译自1975年由Gerald A.McC ool编译出版的《拉纳读本》第I章。本章分为三部分:第一部分是"存在之光",来自《圣言的谛听者》第3章;第二部分是"存在的模拟",来自《圣言的谛听者》第4章;第三部分是"作为灵在的人",来自《圣言的谛听者》第5章。从本文题目即可看出,拉纳深受海德格尔思想之影响。拉纳区分了两个层次:第一层次为存在的敞开,存在的本性是在我们称之为存在的自我显现、存在的自我光照的原发性的统一性中认识和被认识,存在意味着认知与被认知的本源的统一性,存在隶属于存在自我显现的基本本性。这是一般存在学的首要陈述。第二层次为人的敞开,即人的本性是对所有存在者的绝对敞开。这是形而上学人类学的首要陈述。
This article is translated from Chapter I of A Rahner Reader edited by Gerald A.McCool in 1975 (the translation table made by the translator at the end of this article) .This chapter is divided into three parts:the first part is"the Luminosity of Being",from Hearers of the Word,chapter 3; the second part is"the Analogy of Being",from Hearers of the Word,chapter 4; the third part is"Man as Spirit",from Hearers of the Word,chapter 5.To know through the title of this article,Rahner can be affected by the thought of Heidegger.Rahner distinguished two levels:The first level is the Openness of Being:the nature of being is to know and to be known,in a primordial unity which we have called the self-presence of being the luminosity of being for itself.This is the first statement of a general ontology.The second level is the Openness of Man,that is,man’s nature is absolute openness for all being.This is the first statement of a metaphysical anthropology.
Chinese Journal of German Philosophy