

Experience and Revelation of Social Organizations Participating in the Supply of Public Service in Britain
摘要 英国是公共服务改革的先驱者,也是新公共管理运动的发起者。自20世纪70年代以来,在福利国家模式遭遇重创的社会背景下,英国政府通过多元措施助推社会组织发展,并在实践中形成了社会组织参与公共服务供给的范围广、能力强等特点。英国在长期的制度实践中所形成的政社全面合作伙伴关系,对于转型期的中国公共服务改革具有很强的借鉴意义。我国政府要发挥政策导向作用,有效引导社会组织发展,将其构建成强有力的合作伙伴。 Britain is the pioneer of public service reform and the sponsor of the new public administration cam-paign. Since 1970s , under the social background in which welfare state models have been broken, the British gov-ernment had taken multiple measures to promote the development of social organizations, and in practice it had formed the characteristics of wide participation scope and strong ability. The political and social competitive partnership formed in Britain in the long-term institutional system practice had very strong reference significance for China in the process of public service reform and development. Chinese government should play the role of policy guidance, guide the development of social organization effectively, and build it into a strong partner.
作者 齐海丽 Qi Haili(College of Marine Culture and Law,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China)
出处 《学会》 2018年第5期20-26,共7页
关键词 社会组织 公共服务 合同制治理 政府购买服务 social organizations public service governing by contract government purchase of services
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