China announced plans on April 1,2017 to create Xiong'an New Area,a new economic zone about 110 km southwest of Beijing.The new area of national significance covers the three counties of Xiongxian,Rongcheng and Anxin in Hebei Province,and is home to Baiyangdian,a major wetland in northern China.It will cover around 100 km2 initially(called "Starting Zone") and will be expanded to 200 km2 in the mid-term and about 2000 km2 in the long term.In this context,it is important to assess the land use pattern for the new area's planning and development.Based on remote sensing interpretation of Landsat OLI images,we examine the current land use features,the potential for built-up land saving and intensive use,and the spatial variation of arable land quality.The results indicate that the arable lands,built-up lands and wetlands account for around 60%,20% and 10%,respectively.The potential for rural built-up land saving and intensive use is quite large.The arable land quality and use intensity in Rongcheng and Anxin counties are much better than that of Xiongxian.The pros and cons for three potential options for the Starting Zone are listed and compared.The eastern area of Rongcheng county,to the north of Baiyangdian,is believed to be the most suitable Starting Zone.Policy recommendations for built-up land expansion,farmland saving and flood risk mitigation for Xiong'an New Area are also proposed in this paper.
雄安新区是千年大计、国家大事。新区以特定区域为起步区先行开发,起步区面积约100 km2,中期发展区面积约200km2,远期控制区面积约2000 km2。深入分析雄安新区土地利用的现状空间特征,对于科学选定起步区、推进新区高起点高标准规划建设具有重要意义。本文基于多时相Landsat–TM/ETM+/OLI遥感数据解译,分析了雄安新区土地利用的总体特征,并重点研究了建设用地节约集约利用的潜力和耕地质量的区域差异,提出了雄安新区起步区的三个可能备选方案,并分析了其各自利弊。研究表明,雄安新区土地呈"六田、二建、一水、半分林"特征;现状建设用地占比较高,农村建设用地节约、集约利用潜力较大;耕地质量及其利用强度的空间差异较大,容城、安新耕地质量好,复种指数高,分别达1.92和1.87,雄县耕地质量较差,复种指数明显偏低,仅为1.32。综合考虑功能区域的完整性、未来发展的可拓展性、与周边县市的兼顾性和防洪安全性,统筹权衡优质耕地保护和建设用地征用拆迁成本等因素,先期规划建设的100 km2起步区可以有三种备选方案,位于容城县东部、兼顾安新县和雄县的"中方案"是现阶段作为起步区相对合理的方案。针对新区建设需要大量占用土地的现实需求,本文建议优先通过农村(含乡镇)集体建设用地的征收与节约集约利用解决;新区建设不可避免会占用耕地,建议优先安排占用等级较低的耕地,尽量保护优质高产耕地;同时指出,雄安新区大部分地势相对较低,新区规划、选址和建设需要高度关注防洪排水问题。
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41430861)
National Key Research and Development Program(2016YFC0503501)
Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences(2014040)