
中国清代外销画研究回顾与展望 被引量:11

The Research on Chinese Export Paintings: Review and Prospect
摘要 自20世纪中叶外销画作为中国外销艺术的一员,成为独立研究对象起,至今已有约70年的研究史。现有成果中,有的以外销画本身为研究对象,或进行全面地概述、建构,着力于画家谱系和画作归属的考证,或专注于某一画种、纸种、题材、某一收藏机构或国家的藏品,进行专题研究;有的则以外销画为主要材料,探讨中西交往史、贸易史、广州口岸史、艺术理论等各类相关问题。外销画研究仍处于初步阶段,很多重要问题尚待解决。对某收藏机构或地域范围内的外销画进行调查、著录和研究,仍是今后研究的用力处。在外销画的画家、艺术渊源、绘制方式、画技承传方式等基本史实方面,今后仍需继续发掘中外史料进行考证和澄清。外销画是具有多学科共享性的研究资料,跨学科研究能够为外销画和相关诸多领域的研究带来新的方法与视角。数据库建设是外销画保护与研究的另一途径,建设一个专门、大型、免费的数据库必将推动外销画研究的进展。 Since the mid twentieth Century, as an independent research object, Chinese export paintings have been studied for about 70 years. Among the existing achievements, some works take the Chinese export paintings themselves as the research objects, and tend to either carry out a comprehensive overview and construction or only focus on the painters' pedigree, the attribution of the paintings, a certain kind of the painting, paper, subject, collection organization or country. Some works take the Chinese export paintings as the main materials when they discuss the history of communication and trade between China and the West, the history of Guangzhou port, artistic theory and other related issues. The study of Chinese export paintings is still in its infancy and many important issues remain to be resolved. The investigation, cataloguing and research of Chinese export paintings within a collection organization or geographical area are still the important parts for future research. In the aspects of the basic historical facts, the painter, the origin of the art, the way of drawing, the way of inheriting drawing technology, and so on, are still need to be further tested and clarified through exploring Chinese and foreign historical materials. Chinese export paintings is multi-disciplinary research materials, and interdisciplinary research can bring new methods, perspectives for the research of Chinese export paintings, and many related fields. Database construction is another way to protect and research the Chinese export paintings. Building a specialized, large-scale and free database will promote the development of the research.
作者 陈雅新
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期154-161,共8页 Academic Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"海外藏珍稀中国民俗文献与文物资料整理 研究暨数据库建设"(16ZDA163)的阶段性成果
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