
不同生长年限白及花期的农艺性状 被引量:2

Agronomic Traits of Bletilla striata with Different Growing Years During Flowering Period
摘要 为白及生理的深入研究及栽培管理提供参考。于2017年4—6月连续对不同生长年限白及花期的相关农艺性状进行测量并比较分析。结果表明:4—6月,白及株高以4年生的增幅最大,为122.97%;茎粗以2年生的增幅最大,为13.37%;白及叶片数增幅均较小,其中以2年生的增幅最高,为9.09%;叶片长宽比以1年生的增幅最大,为93.33%。4月以4年生白及的花朵数最多,以2年生白及的花苞数较多;各年生白及的花梗长、粗间差异均不显著。5月以3年生白及的花朵数较多,以4年生白及的花苞数较多。4月、5月各年生白及萼片、花瓣和唇瓣的长、宽间差异均不显著。5月和6月花梗长、茎粗以4年生的最大,分别为25.32cm、2.58mm和35.88cm、3.06mm。6月以3年生白及的蒴果数最多,各年生白及蒴果长、宽间差异均不显著。 The related agronomic traits of Bletilla striata with different growing years were determined from April to June,2017 to discuss the growth characteristics of B.striata with different growing years during flowering period.Result:The height increase range of B.striata with four growing years is the highest(122.97%)during flowering period.The stem girth increase range of B.striata with two growing years is the highest(13.37%)during flowering period.The leaf number increase range of B.striata with two growing years is 9.09%(the highest)and the increase range of leaf length/width ratio of B.striata with one growing years is 93.33%(the highest)during flowering period.The flower number of B.striata with four growing years and the bud number of B.striata with two growing years are maximum in April but there are no significant differences in stalk length and diameter among different growing years of B.striatain April.The flower number of B.striata with three growing years and the bud number of B.striata with four growing years are maximum in May.There are no significant differences in length and width of sepal,petal and labellum of B.striataamong different growing years of B.striatain April and May.The stalk length and stem girth of B.striata with four growing years are 25.32 cm and 2.58 mm in April,and 35.88 cm and 3.06 mm in May respectively.The capsule number of B.striata with three growing years is maximum in June and there are no significant differences in capsule length and width of B.striataamong different growing years.
作者 杨平飞 刘海 罗鸣 杨丽丽 张金霞 宋智琴 彭竹晶 吴明开 YANG Pingfei;LIU Hai;LUO Ming;YANG Lili;ZHANG Jinxia;SONG Zhiqin;PENG Zhujing;WU Mingkai(Institute of Modern Chinese Traditional Medicine,Gaizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guiyang,Guizhou 550006,Chin)
出处 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2018年第6期111-114,共4页 Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
基金 2015年中医药行业专项中药类资助项目"白及品种选育与高产栽培技术熟化提升及应用示范"(201507002-1-11) 贵州省农业科学院自主创新科研项目"贵州珍稀药材石斛 白及品种选育及其产业化"[黔农科字(2014)017] 贵州省科技计划项目"喀斯特生态清洁小流域综合治理模式与技术集成示范"[黔科合(2016)支撑2832] 贵州省科技计划项目"白及生态栽培技术研究与示范推广"[黔科合(2016)支撑2828] 贵州省科技计划项目"白及组培种苗大田种植"[黔知运用(2016)第03号] 贵州省科技计划项目"白及 石斛 山慈菇等贵州道地兰科药用植物产业技术创新与服务"[黔科合平台人才(2017)5712] 贵州省农业委员会资助项目"贵州省中药材现代产业技术体系建设专项"(GZCYTX2014-0202)
关键词 白及 花期 农艺性状 Bletilla striata flowering period agronomic trait
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