
武汉市江夏区大桥新区红旗村黏土盖层岩溶塌陷致塌模式分析 被引量:8

Analysis on collapse model of the karst area covered by clay in Wuhan City Jiangxia district Hongqi village
摘要 武汉市江夏区大桥新区红旗村文化大道附近发生岩溶塌陷,其上覆盖层为黏土。文章针对该类型岩溶塌陷,结合岩溶发育特征、土体物理力学性质、水文地质条件和人类工程活动等影响因素,对致塌模式进行了综合分析,得出在溶沟底部分布有软塑至流塑状的力学性质较差的红黏土,溶沟底部发育的溶蚀裂隙与下部的溶洞或通道相联通;流塑状红黏土流失至下部岩溶通道中,形成土洞;钻探施工、楼房载荷、振动作用加速黏土体的软化、崩解和溶蚀作用,进而加速土洞向上发展。此外,地基开挖减少上覆黏土厚度,降低了土体抗剪强度,最终在上覆土体自身重力和附加荷载作用下发生塌陷。根据土体受力情况,得出塌陷力学模型,并利用数据进行验证,其验证结果与实际相符合,并结合致塌模式和力学分析提出应增强土体抗塌性能、增加建筑物地基稳定性和减缓岩溶系统水动力因素变化的防治措施。 Karst is widely distributed and karst collapses frequently happen in Wuhan City.The karst collapses used to occur along the Yangtze River in the main urban area where and the quaternary overburden over the subsidence area is of dual-layered structure with clay layer in upper and sandy one in the lower.However,in recent years,along with the development of urbanization and the intensification of human engineering activities in the exurban areas of the city,karst collapse has also occurred in the clay area,such as Jiangxia district.The karst collapse studied in this paper occurred on April 29,2014,at 2:30 p.m.in a residential community due to a new construction project implemented at the Jiangxia district.The collapse's area size was about 200 square meters.It caused two people missing,a drill rig buried and the building's 1#floor raft foundation completely collapsed,which put an end to the engineering construction and resulted in a large economic loss.Through a comprehensive analysis of the karst characteristics in the area,soil physical and mechanical properties,hydrogeological conditions and human engineering activities,the collapse mode is obtained.Our research findings show that the limestone surface in the subsidence area has a large number of dissolved channels and grooves which are connected by the dissolution fissure and the underlying karst cave.This led to the the red clay with poor mechanical properties in the bottom part of the ditch lost to the lower karst channel,forming a soil cave.Moreover,the foundation drilling,building load and vibration all accelerated the softening,disintegration and dissolution processes of the clay,thus accelerated the development of the soil cave.The foundation excavation reduced the thickness of clay and subsequently reduced the shear strength of the soil.Finally,collapse occurred under the action of gravity and additional load of the overlying soil.On the basis of Mohr-Coulomb criterion and plastic equilibrium theory,the force conditions of the soil were analyzed,fro
作者 涂婧 李慧娟 彭慧 魏熊 贾龙 TU Jing;LI Huijuan;PENG Hui;WEI Xiong;JIA Long(Hubei Province Geological Environmental Terminus;Institute of Karst Geology,CAGS/Key Laboratory of Karst Collapse Prevention,CAGS,Guangxi 541004,China)
出处 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期112-119,共8页 Carsologica Sinica
基金 中国地质调查局地质调查项目"湘西鄂东皖北地区岩溶塌陷1:50 000环境地质调查(DD20160254)" 中国地质调查局地质调查项目"武汉市岩溶塌陷调查(1212011220189)" 国家自然科学基金资助项目"红层溶蚀对岩溶塌陷的作用机理研究(41402284)"
关键词 黏土盖层 岩溶塌陷 致塌模式 力学模型 防治措施 clay capping karst collapse collapse model mechanical model prevention and control measures
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