设计一种新型矿用液压起重机,利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对该起重机进行了空载、起吊重物在起重机正前方位置及起吊重物摆动至侧方90°位置3种常用工况下的应力与位移分析,结果表明:3种工况下最大应力位置均在臂梁与耳座连接位置,其最大应力为256.8 MPa;最大位移发生在臂梁顶端,最大位移为43.04 mm;且二者均在工况(3)(臂梁偏转角90°)下达到最大值。对工况(3)计算出其安全系数为2.14,说明该矿用液压起重机的结构设计是合理的。
Designing a new type of mining hydraulic crane. The ANSYS finite element analysis software is used to analyze the stress and displacement of the crane under three common working conditions. The results show that the maximum stress position lies in the arm beam under the three working conditions, and the maximum stress was 256.8 MPa at the connection position to the ear seat, and the maximum displacement was 43.04 mm at the top of the arm beam. Both of them reached the maximum value under working condition (3)(arm deflection angle of 90°). The safety factor calculated for condition (3) is 2.14, indicating that the structural design of the mine hydraulic crane is reasonable.
Dong Fuqiang(Liangzhuang Coal Mine,Xinwen Mining Group,Taian 271219,China)
Coal Mine Machinery