本文对莱芜华山省级森林公园的植物区系进行了研究分析 ,具有以下特点 :组成植物区系成分的种类相对丰富 ,计有维管植物 97科 ,312属 ,5 4 9种 ,温带分布型属占总属的 5 2 .4 7% ,植物成份以草本、灌木为主 ,常见的有蒿 (Artemisia)、草 (Humulus)、荩草 (Arturaxon)、委陵菜 (Potentilla)、狗尾草 (Setaria)、鬼针草 (Bidlens)、胡枝子 (Lespedeza)、杠柳 (Periploca)等 ,自然分布的乔木较少 。
After studying the flora of Huashan Provincial Forest-Park,we find its following characteristics.It's rich in species and contains 549 species of 312 genera,belonging to 97families.The generas of temperate areal-types occupy 52.47%of the total.The elements mainly consist of herbages and shrubs,such as Artemisia,Humulus,Arturaxon,potentilla,Setaria,Bidlens,Lespedeza and Periplocal.The trees distributed naturally are less.The flora of the area can be thought of temperate in nature.
Journal of Shandong TV University