The market-oriented debt-to-equity swap is still at a preliminary stage in China and we lack experiences to tackle many new challenges it brings about. From the comparison between today's debt-to-equity swap and the 1999's, we and that some common elements which propel the use of debt-to-equity swap : the macro economy going from boom to bust, corporate sector debt overhang and increasing ?nancial fragility. However, the essential purpose, implementing principles, target enterprises, implementing agencies, source of funding and pricing of current debt-to-equity swap have changed fundamentally compared to the 1999's, which has brought new challenges to banks, such as the difficulties in projects screening, institutions establishing, fund raising, post-investment managing, stable income obtaining and equity withdrawing. With these new features and new challenges in mind, we propose that policies should be improved to facilitate banks in implementing debt-to-equity swap. All participants should coordinate and cooperate with each other. The government should play a positive role in demonstration and guidance. Commercial banks should undertake the main responsibility and play an active part in implementing current debt-to-equity swap.
Financial Regulation Research
Debt-to-equity Swap
Leverage Ratio
Commercial Banks