目的直观、系统地揭示近10年国内外加速术后康复的研究热点及前沿,发现中国在该领域研究的不足,为今后相关研究提供参考。方法使用Cite SpaceⅡ可视化软件从Web of Science和CNKI数据库中检索出加速术后康复相关文献进行图谱绘制。结果国外2015年在术后加速康复研究发文量增长迅速,2016年文献数量达到368篇,是2007年36篇的10倍之多。中国在2013年的发文量为113篇有小幅度下降。国外的研究热点主要为癌症患者、循证医学及围手术期干预,而国内的研究主要集中在腹部手术患者的探索。近3年国外对加速术后康复的前沿为多学科优化合作、指南及对加速术后康复的社会推广。中国近几年的前沿主要在腹腔手术患者的研究。结论近10年中国对加速术后康复研究整体上呈上升趋势,但与国外仍存在一定的差距。此外,中国对该领域研究的深度及广度有待进一步拓展,从而为患者提供最大益处和最少损伤的优质服务。
Objective The research hotspots and frontier of accelerated postoperative rehabilitation at home and abroad in recent ten years are revealed intuitively and systematically, and the deficiencies of China's research in this field are found out, which will provide references for relevant studies in the future. Methods CiteSpace II visual software is used to retrieve the related literatures accelerating postoperative rehabilitation from Web of Science and CNKI for drawing maps. Results The number of published literatures for postoperative rehabilitation acceleration in other countries increased rapidly. In 2016, the number of literatures was up to 368, which was over 10 times of it in 2007 when it was 36. The number of literatures published in China was 113 in 2013, which was declined. The overseas re- search hotspot was mainly about cancerous patients, evidence-based medicine and intervention in perioperative period. However, domestic research was mainly based on the- exploration of abdominal operation patients. In the recent 3 years, the forefront of accelerating postoperative rehabilitation abroad was muhidisciplinary optimization operation, guideline and social popularization on accelerating postoperative rehabilitation. In recent years, the forefront is mainly about the research of enterocoelia surgical patients in China. Conclusions China's research on accelerated postoperative rehabilitation has been on the rise in recent ten years, but there is still a gap between China and foreign countries. In addition, the depth and breadth of China's research in this field need to be further expanded, so as to provide the best service for patients with the greatest benefit and the least injury.
Li Mei;Liu Baoling.(No. 3 Neurosurgery Department, Dalian Central Hospital, Dalian 118000, China)
international journal of nursing
Accelerated postoperative rehabilitation
Chinese and foreign continuing care