

The Image-building of the Song Dynasty with the Policy of Slighting the Military:Centered on Du Halde's Description de la Chin
摘要 18世纪上半叶,法国杜赫德神父出版了巨著《中华帝国全志》,对宋代中国的文治武功进行了描述。在他笔下,宋朝统治者崇尚文化、尊重知识、敬重知识阶层,引导国内文化取得了辉煌的成就。杜赫德记载了宋朝君主"敬孔"的种种举措,一方面将之作为宋朝重视文治的证据,另一方面论证祭孔完全是一种世俗性的活动,为处在"中国礼仪之争"中的耶稣会辩护。杜赫德指出宋朝君主"重文轻武"的特点,在涉及宋朝与周边民族政权的战争时,对宋朝多方回护,不愿过多渲染"中国"在对外战争中的颓势,以免有损于其光辉的帝国形象。他努力勾绘出这样一幅图景:宋代处在文人学者的统治之下,所发生的战争都是迫不得已的,贤士大夫们奉行和平的对外政策,反对战争扩张。杜赫德在欧洲知识界确立了一个爱好和平、不尚武功的宋朝形象,他对宋朝的描述充实了欧洲知识界的思想,使宋代中国成为反衬欧洲社会的一面镜子。 Jean-Baptiste Du Halde published his masterpiece Description géographique, historique, chronologique, politique et physique de l'Empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie Chinoise in the first half of the 18^(th) century, in which he introduced the cultural and military achievements accomplished in the Song dynasty. In his view, the emperors of the Song dynasty showed extreme esteem to literature, learning and scholars. As a result, a remarkable cultural achievement was made in this period. Du Halde described the Song emperors as admirers of Confucius, which was regarded as a proof of their appreciation of the culture as well as a defense for the Jesuits in the Rites Controversy. Du Halde pointed out that the Song emperors were not addicted as much to Arms as to Learning. However, he refrained from emphasizing the Song dynasty's defeat when talking about wars between China and the barbarians, in avoidance of incurring criticism and contempt from Western readers of this glorious empire. He tried to build an image of a Song dynasty that was administrated by philosophers who were in pursuit of a peaceful foreign policy. All the wars breaking out in this country were against their will. In Du Halde's description, the Song dynasty acted as the counterpart of the 18 th century Europe. It greatly inspired the European academia.
作者 孙健
出处 《国际汉学》 CSSCI 2018年第2期111-117,206-207,共7页 International Sinology
基金 2014年国家社会科学基金青年项目"欧美学界宋史研究的历史脉络研究"(项目编号:14CZS015)的阶段性成果
关键词 宋朝 重文轻武 杜赫德 《中华帝国全志》 Song dynasty intellectual and military achievements Du Halde Description de la Chine
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