
2013年至2017年嘉兴市≤5岁儿童死亡监测分析 被引量:4

Analysis on death mortality among children ≤5 years old in Jiaxing city from 2013 to 2017
摘要 目的分析嘉兴市2013年至2017年≤5岁儿童死亡情况,为降低≤5岁儿童死亡率和保障儿童健康提出科学有效的干预措施。方法根据覆盖嘉兴市的妇幼卫生信息监测网络系统导出的≤5岁儿童死亡监测资料及相关妇幼卫生统计报表,分析2013年至2017年≤5岁儿童死亡率及变化趋势、主要死亡原因及顺位和变化趋势,死前保健服务。结果 2013年至2017年嘉兴市≤5岁儿童死亡2 788例,新生儿、婴儿及1~5岁儿童平均死亡率分别为2. 33‰、3. 52‰、4. 83‰,均呈逐年下降趋势(X_(新生儿(NMR))~2=19.641,X_(婴儿(IMR))~2=31.705,X_(1~5岁儿童(U5MR))~2=48.294,均P<0.001);各年份1~5岁本地与流动户籍儿童死亡率比较差异均有统计学意义(X_(2013)~2=26.16,X_(2014)~2=18.45,X_(2015)~2=27. 72,X_(2016)~2=14. 49,X_(2017)~2=24.19;均P <0. 001)。1~5岁儿童的前二位死因为早产低体重和溺水;婴儿、新生儿的前二位死因均为早产低体重、其他先天异常。近五年1~5岁的儿童死亡在医院、在途中和在家中的比例分别为49.60%、15. 64%和34. 76%;虽然本地和流动儿童死前保健服务水平存在一定的差距,但这种差距逐年减小。结论加强孕期保健及高危妊娠的管理;重视三级预防,做好产前筛查等出生缺陷监测工作;加强≤5岁儿童家长的安全教育和儿童监管;加强妇幼保健专业队伍建设及新生儿窒息复苏技术等新生儿抢救技术等业务培训工作;加强流动户籍儿童的保健和管理;提高儿童家长医疗服务利用能力;采取以上措施以进一步降低嘉兴市≤5岁儿童死亡率。 Objective To analyze the death status of children ≤5 years old in Jiaxing City from 2013 to 2017, and to provide scientific and effective measures of decreasing the children mortality and ensuring the health of children. Methods Death surveillance data of children ≤5 years old was obtained from monitoring network covering the whole city of maternal and child health information systems and the relevant maternal and child health statistics. The mortality rate, the sequence and changing trend of main death causes, prenatal health services of children ≤5 years old in Jiaxing City from 2013 to 2017were analyzed. Re- suits From 2013 to 2017, there were 2 788 cases death of children ≤5 years old in Jiaxing City. The neonatal mortality rate (NMR), infant mortality rate (IMR), ≤5 years old children mortality rate(USMR) in Jiaxing City were 2. 33‰, 3. 52‰ and 4. 83 ‰, respectively. The mortality rates of all ages showed a declining trend year by year ( 2 =19.641 P〈0. 001; x2 IMR=31.705, P〈0.001; X2 U5MR= 48.294 P〈0. 001 ). There were significant differences in the mortality between the lower local and the migrant children ( X2 2013 =26. 16,X2 2014 =18.45, X2 2015 =27.72, X2 2016 = 14.49, X2 2017 =24. 19;P 〈0.001). The top two causes of death in children ≤ 5 years old were drowning, premature birth and low birth weight. The top two causes of death in infants and newborns were premature birth, low birth weight and other congenital anomalies. In the recent five years, 49. 60% of children ≤5 years old died in the hospital. At the same time, the proportion of deaths on the way and at home was 15. 64% and 34. 76% respectively. Although there was a gap in the level of prenatal health services between local and mobile children, the gap has been declining year by year. Conclusions The key measures to decrease the mortality rate of children under 5 years old in Jiaxing City include strengthening the management of pregnancy care and high-risk pregnancy; paying attention to tertiary prev
作者 唐红梅 孙晓艳 陈定华 尹化磊 黄欢焕 吴勤辉 杨燕青 张艳 Tang Hongmei;Sun Xiaoyan;Chen Dinghua;Yin Hualei;Huang Huanhuan;Yang Yanqing;Zhang Yan(Health Education Information Monitoring Division of Jiaxing City Maternity and Child Health Hospital, Jiaxing,314000, China;Child Health Division of Tongxiang City Maternity and Child Health Hospital, Tongxiang 314500, Chin;Child Health Division of Jiashan County Maternal and Child Health Center, Jiashan 314100, China;Child Health Division of Haining City Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Haining 314400, China;Child Health Division of Haiyan County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Haiyan 314300, Chin;Child Health Division of Pinghu City Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Pinghu 314200, Chin)
出处 《中国医师杂志》 CAS 2018年第6期893-896,共4页 Journal of Chinese Physician
关键词 婴儿 新生 婴儿 儿童 学龄前 死亡率 Infant newborn Infant Child Preschool Mortality
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