Despite significant progress in the extension of social protection in many parts of the world, the human right to social security is not yet a reality for a majority of the world's population. Only 45 percent of the global population are effectively covered by at least one social protection benefit. ILO estimates also show that only 29 percent of the global population are covered by comprehensive social security systems that include the full range of benefits. Coverage gaps are associated with a significant underinvestment in social protection, particularly in Afiica, Asia and the Arab States. Lack of social protection leaves people vulnerable to poverty, inequality and social exclusion across the life cycle, thereby constituting a major obstacle to economic and social development. The SDGs call for universal social protection. In particular, countries have a responsibility to guarantee at least a basic level of social security--a social protection floor--for all, as part of their social protection systems. While many countries have already achieved universal protection, more efforts are needed to extend coverage and ensure adequate benefits.
International Labour Organization
Chinese Social Security Review