
基于二次辐照的CMRR乏燃料组件燃耗测量技术研究 被引量:1

Determination of Fissile Nuclide ^(235)U Content in Re-Irradiated Spent Fuel Assemble with Nondestructive Assay
摘要 由于研究堆堆芯装载灵活多变、运行模式复杂,传统的燃耗无损检测技术精度不高。基于乏燃料二次辐照的燃耗测量技术具有不依赖于乏燃料组件的运行历史数据、测量精度较高的优点。本文研究了该方法中裂变产物来源甄别技术,建立了燃耗测量原理装置,分析了装置相对测量效率,完成了中国绵阳研究堆(CMRR)典型乏燃料组件的燃耗测量实验。测量结果表明,对于燃耗为15%左右的乏燃料组件,235U质量的测量不确定度好于5%。 Adequate knowledge of burnup levels of fuel elements within a research reactor is of great importance for its safe operation. The traditional nondestructive assay of burnup is to measure the radiation emitted either as neutrons or gamma rays. But the results are not satisfactory in accuracy because of variability of core loading and operation history. This paper presents a method for the experimental determination of fissile nuclide ^235U content in Spent Fuel Assembles(SFAs). The method is based on re-irradiation of SFAs and measurement of the delayed gamma-rays emitted by the generated fission products. The most important advantage of this method is its independence of SFA irradiation history. This paper emphasizes how to discriminate the resource of characteristic gamma ray and introduces the experimental device. A SFA with about 15% burnup unloading from CMRR is measured by the above method and the uncertainty is less than 5%.
作者 窦海峰 李润东 朱世雷 王俊伟 司开拓 袁姝 杨鑫 冷军 Dou Haifeng;Li Rundong;Zhu Shilei;Wang Junwei;Si Kaituo;Yuan Shu;Yang Xin;Leng Jun(Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang, Sichuan, 621900, China)
出处 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期51-55,共5页 Nuclear Power Engineering
关键词 燃耗无损检测 乏燃料二次辐照 中国绵阳研究堆(CMRR) Nondestructive assay ofbumup Re-irradiation of SFAs CMRR
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