Genghis Khan and his Queen Borte had four sons named respectively as Jüchi, Chagatai,(O|¨)k(o|¨)tai and Toloi.(O|¨)k(o|¨)tai became the Great Khan in succession of his father's throne and later called Taizong, so he had a chronicled biography in the History of Yuan Dynasty according to tradition.The fourth son, Toloi, was not ever been enthroned to Great Khan, however, his eldest son,M(o|¨)nkhe, was elected to be the Great Khan at the Congress after the death of Great Khan G(u|¨)y(u|¨)g.Father used to be honored because of his son, so he got a posthumous title Ruizong, according to tradition, which resulted in the composition of his biography in the History of Yuan Dynasty. The eldest son of Chingis Khan, J(u|¨)chi, also had a biography in the History of Yuan Dynasty. Only the second son Chagatai was left no biography in the History of Yuan Dynasty. This paper made a tentative explanation to this question.
Journal of the Western Mongolian Studies