
阴阳形气俱不足 勿取针而调以甘药探微

Discussion On without Acupuncture Treatment While Sweet Herb When the Deficiency of Yin Qi and Yang Qi
摘要 《灵枢·邪气藏府病形》篇云:"阴阳形气俱不足,勿取以针,而调以甘药也。"笔者结合《内经》中阴阳对立制约又互根互用的复杂关系来理解:阴阳虚损,形气不足提示机体正气衰败,病情凶险,仅用针石,收效甚微。若用峻剂单纯补泻其中一方,极其容易出现补阳则阴竭,泻阴则阳脱的病情变化。阴阳互根互生贵在以"和",故"调和阴阳"乃阴阳两虚证的治则所在。治疗病机为阴阳俱损的复杂疾病时应首予甘药,调整已虚损但又不相和谐的阴阳,使其恢复平衡状态,如此阴阳便可源源不断相互资生,化生形气以固充机体。机体若能阴平阳秘,内外调和,则苛疾不起也。此法看似不着意于补,但补则自在其中,临证用之效如桴鼓。 According to Lingshu o Xieqi Zangfu Bingxing, " when the yinqi and yangqi of your body are in short stage, don't use acupuncture treatment, but sweet herb" and the independent and mutually promoting as well as mutually opposing and constraining of yinqi and yangqi in Huangdi Neijing, we found that the deficiency of yin and yang and the lacking of xing and qi indicate that the zheng qi of our body is decline and we may be sick into death, and it will receive little healing effect. When we just reinforce yang, yin will be run out, and when we just reduce yin, yang will be leave our body. Both of the two are what we never want. So " He" is the key of balance of yin and yang. Balancing yin and yang is the main point of curing unharmonious yin and yang. Finally yin and yang will become the resource of each other, and create xing and qi to nourish our body. Only when yin and yang are balanced, can our body be totally healthy. Balancing yin and yang is not aim to reinforcing, but has the same efficiency of reinforcing, we had used the way in many patients and received good healing effect.
作者 纪越 闫雪柔 JI Yue;YAN Xuerou(Graduate School, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China)
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2018年第8期82-83,共2页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
基金 国家级大学生创新创业训练项目【No.201510063008】
关键词 阴阳虚损 形气 甘药 调和 《素问》 deficiency of both yin and yang body structure and vital qi sweet herb regulation Suwen
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