
社会化问答社区用户行为统计特性及其动力学分析:以知乎网为例 被引量:19

Analyzing Characteristics and Dynamics of User Behaviors in Social Q&A Community: Case Study of Zhihu.com
摘要 【目的】通过对社会化问答社区海量的用户信息和动态进行综合分析,探索社会化问答社区用户关系网络和用户访问行为的规律。【方法】以知乎网为例,抓取知乎用户和问答情况的公开信息,基于复杂网络和人类行为动力学,对社交网络本身的结构特性、用户群体特性及用户行为的时间统计特征进行分析。【结果】研究结果表明:在个体和群体层面,知乎用户行为在时间上具有相似的统计规律,事件时间间隔服从幂指数为0.68的幂律分布,等待时间间隔服从幂指数为1.51的幂律分布。关系网络的度分布和用户回答量、赞同量、评论量等服从指数截断的幂律分布,整体表现出明显的异质性和多重标度特性。【局限】采集样本的数量有限;没有将知乎网与其他社会化问答社区的用户行为进行对比。【结论】本研究揭示了知乎网用户行为与信息传播之间的关系,对研究社会化问答社区的网络结构和信息的传播控制等有一定的借鉴意义。 [Objective] This paper aims to explore users' relationship network and behaviors in the social question and answer(QA) communities. [Methods] First, we retrieved the publicly accessible user profiles and QA data from Zhihu.com, a popular online QA community in China. Then, we analyzed the social network structure, the user profiles and the time statistics of users' behaviors based on complex network and human dynamics theories. [Results] The Zhihu users showed some similar behaviors at the individual and group levels. The inter-event time and waiting time followed the power-law distribution, with power index values of 0.68 and 1.51, respectively. The degree distribution of the relationship network, the amount of users' answers, support, and comments met the exponential truncated power-law distribution. The overall behaviors of Zhihu users were of significant heterogeneity and multiple scale characteristics. [Limitations] The sample size needs to be expanded and more research is needed to compare our findings with studies of other social QA communities. [Conclusions] This study reveals the relationship between the user's behaviors and information dissemination on Zhihu.com, which explores the network structure and the information flow of social question and answer communities.
作者 郭博 赵隽瑞 孙宇 Guo Bo;Zhao Junrui;Sun Yu(Meizu Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100872, China;College of Information Science & Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China;Computer Science Department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 91768, USA)
出处 《数据分析与知识发现》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期48-58,共11页 Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
关键词 知乎 社交网络 人类动力学 幂律分布 Zhihu Social Network Human Dynamics Power-law Distribution
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