The robust optimization of assembly structure of engine jacket can effectively improve the aviation stability.The traditional optimization design ignores the unstable factors in manufacturing process,boundary conditions and material characteristics,thereby reducing the robustness of aero-engine.At present,the design of robustness is becoming more and more concerned,and is widely used in the field of aviation.The robustness of the aero engine assembly design is designed,and the Kriging response surface model is used to make the characteristics of the material as an uncertain factor.After optimizing the robustness,the robustness optimization of the assembly of the engine gear structure is compared.The analysis results show that this robust design method has a high accuracy.After robust optimization,the robustness of aero engine gear assembly is improved effectively.
Quan Shaoning(Xi'an Aeronautical Polytechnic Institute Training Department, Xi'an 710089)
Microcomputer Applications