通过选取唐山市区10个卫生服务中心下属的32个社区,于2016年7月至2017年1月,对年龄≥75岁的3 448位老年人应用日常生活照护需求问卷、健康促进生活方式量表(HPLP-Ⅱ)、老年慢性病患者安全用药行为问卷进行调查,并对调查数据进行Mann-Whitney U检验、Kruskal-Wallis H检验、多分类有序Logistic回归分析,了解中高龄老年人日常生活照护需求影响因素。结果显示,1 664位社区老年人对日常生活照护有需求,占48.3%,其中轻度需求者860人,占24.9%,重度需求者804人,占23.3%。多分类有序Logistic回归分析显示:女性(OR=1.176)、大专以下学历(OR均>1)、不饮酒(OR=1.565)、读书看报(OR=1.226)、不健康生活方式(OR=1.567)为日常生活照护需求的危险因素(P<0.05);年龄<85岁(OR均<1)、空巢(OR=0.712)、较高月收入(除外月收入5 000元以上组)(OR均<1且呈递减趋势)、无医疗负担(OR=0.538)、无便秘(OR=0.452)、运动锻炼(OR=0.495)、用药行为低安全(OR=0.599)为日常生活照护需求的保护因素(P<0.05)。中高龄老年人有日常生活照护需求者近半。提高中高龄老年人的社会经济地位及保持健康行为,有利于满足其日常生活照护需求。
To explore factors influencing the daily care needs of the moderately old and oldest elderly in Tangshan. 3 448 residents aged 75 years or older were investigated with questionnaires from January, 2016, to September, 2017. The subjects were from 32 communities of 10 Health Service Centers which were affiliated to Tangshan Gongren Hospital and Tangshan Hongci Hospital.Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, ordinal Logistic regression analysis. It showed that 1 664 residents need daily care, accounting for 43.8%. Among those who need care, 860(24.9%) were with moderate needs, and 804(23.3%) were eager for care. Ordinal Logistic r egression analysis showed that females(OR=1.176), low education level(OR〈1), no alcohol use(OR=1.565), reading(OR=1.226), unhealthy lifestyle(OR=1.567) were risk factors for daily care need. Younger than 85(OR〈1), empty nest(OR=0.712), high monthly income(not include groups with a 5 000-plus monthly income)(OR〈1), no medical burden(OR=0.538), no constipation(OR=0.452) and regular exercise(OR=0.495), drug use behavior of low security(OR=0.599) were protective factors for daily care needs(P〈0.05). Nearly half of the moderately old and oldest elderly have daily care need. Improving the socio-economic status of the elderly and guiding them to maintain healthy can help meet their care needs.
DU Ya' nan;CHEN Changxiang(College of Nursing and Rehabilitation, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063210, Hebei Province, China)
Scientific Research on Aging