
论“岔路口条款”在国际投资仲裁中的限缩适用及我国的因应之策 被引量:1

Restrictions on Fork-in-the-road Clauses in International Investment Arbitrations and China's Strategies
摘要 国际投资条约中的岔路口条款赋予了当事人选择当地救济或国际仲裁作为争端解决方式的自由,同时其择一即终的规定有利于防止平行程序的出现。然而,出于偏袒投资者的立场,晚近国际投资仲裁庭通过限制性解释,在适用岔路口条款时施加了诸多条件,使之名存实亡。有鉴于此,我国有必要在对外签订和修订双边投资条约中,对传统的岔路口条款进行优化,扩大当事人所指对象,增设"同一措施"的规定,防止投资者滥诉,从而使得该条款发挥应有的功能。 Fork-in-the-road clauses in international investment treaties allow parties to use local remedies or international arbitration to settle disputes, and its characteristics help prevent parallel procedures. However, quite a number of tribunals, which showed partiality for investors, placed too many restrictions on the application of fork-in-the-road clauses in recent years, which made the clauses have a mere nominal existence. In view of this, it's essential that China should perfect the traditional fork-in-the-road clauses by expanding parties and stipulating "identical measures" in case of arbitration abuses.
作者 章歆翊 ZHANG Xin-yi(Zhejiang Agricultural Business College ,Shaoxing Zhejiang 312088)
出处 《浙江万里学院学报》 2018年第3期5-10,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University
关键词 岔路口条款 国际投资仲裁 当地救济 fork-in-the-road clauses international investment arbitration local remedies
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