介绍了一种新型的汽车用钢板和铝板的连接技术,该技术通过钢钉冲铆铝板以及钢钉与钢板点焊两步工艺实现了钢铝连接,称之为Intelligence Welding(IW)。通过对比IW、自冲铆连接(SPR)、自攻螺纹连接(FDS)3种连接方式在试片级静力学剪切和拉伸试验中的结果,证明IW的静力学性能满足工程应用要求;通过对比IW、SPR、FDS 3种连接方式在循环腐蚀试验中的表现,证明IW的防腐性能满足工程应用要求。
A new technology for the joining between steel and aluminum alloy is introduced. It's called IW - Intelligence Welding. In this paper, we IW join is testified to meet the requirement of engineering application by comparing IW samples with SPR and FDS based on the shear and tensile test. At the same time, we also testify IW join have a good anti - con'osion performance by comparing IW samples with SPR and FDS based on the cyclic corrosion test.
Shanghai Auto