
加强大学生媒介素养教育的基本逻辑与现实路径 被引量:2

Focus and Paths of Strengthening College Students' Media Literacy Education
摘要 网络化已成为大学生的一种生存方式,但网络媒介的双重属性决定了它对社会生活的负面效应不可避免,引导大学生适应媒介化社会生活势在必行。新时期加强大学生媒介素养教育的逻辑起点在于:网络行为异化造成大学生社会角色迷失及其人格支离破碎;网络行为约束机制缺失冲击着大学生网络道德构建;网络媒介负外部性侵蚀着大学生身心健康。加强大学生媒介素养教育、构建立体化媒介素养教育模式,应着力于培育大学生的媒介伦理素养与主体意识,增强责任意识,理性使用网络媒介;大力强化教育管理者的网络媒介素养,提升实践育人能力,发挥协同效应;全力优化网络生态,降低网络环境对媒介素养教育的影响的风险。 Networking has become a lifestyle for the college students. But because of its dual nature,the negative effects of network media on social life are inevitable,which makes it imperative to guide university students to adapt to the society with network media. In the new era,the education of college students’ media literacy must focus on three aspects. Firstly,the alienation of college students’ network behavior has resulted in the loss of their social identity and in the fragmentation of their personalities. Secondly,the lack of network behavior constraint mechanism has impinged on the building of their moral standards. Thirdly,the negative external effects of the network media are eroding college students’ physical and mental health.To strengthen education of college students’ network literacy,we must establish a multidimensional education model with focus on cultivating college students’ network ethics and sense of responsibility and a rational attitude towards network using.Educators must also promote their network literacy so that they can play a competent role in college students’ media literacy education. To ensure the effect of media literacy education,it is necessary to optimize network ecology and reduce the risk of negative impact of network environment on media literacy education
作者 赵宏 周润娟 Zhao Hong;Zhou Runjuan(College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Anhui Polytechnic University,Wuhu Anhui, 241000, China)
出处 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第3期107-114,共8页 Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家级大学生创新创业训练项目"高校群体性事件预防机制构建研究:群体动力论视角"(20161036300102) 安徽省高等教育提升计划人文社会科学研究一般项目"大学生创新能力影响因素及其交互作用"(TSSK2016B14) 安徽工程大学党建与思想政治工作课题"思想政治教育语境下高校意识形态话语权建设研究"(2016XD021)
关键词 网络化 大学生 网络媒介 媒介化影响 媒介教育 networking college students network media media environment media literacy education
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