随着煤炭开采深度的增加,煤层瓦斯含量越大,瓦斯含量大严重制约了采掘工作面的生产,瓦斯成为当今制约工作面掘进的一大难题,传统的瓦斯治理手段单一,瓦斯抽采浓度及抽采量小,很难满足瓦斯治理的需要,笔者通过多种瓦斯治理手段,提高瓦斯抽采浓度及瓦斯抽采量,缩短抽采时间,使工作面消突时间缩短,同时将掘进进尺由20 m/月提高到60 m/月,最高掘进进尺达到85 m/月,缓解了采掘接续.
With the increase of mining depth,the high coal seam gas content has restricted the production of mining face,and the gas has become a big problem for further mining of the working face. The traditional means of gas treatment is single. As the concentration of gas drainage and the drainage amount is small,it is difficult to meet the needs of gas treatment. This paper,through a variety of gas treatment methods,attempts to improve the gas drainage concentration and the gas drainage quantity,shorten the drainage time and the working face elimination process time. Meanwhile,it increases the tunneling footage from 20 m per month to 60 m per month,with the highest tunneling footage up to 85 m per month,so as to ease the mining connection.
Wang Guanliang(Guizhou Provincial Shuichcng Mining Co.Ltd.,Liupanshui 553009,China)
Mineral Engineering Research