
“揭示预设”作为哲学践行的核心策略 被引量:2

Presupposition Disclosure:A Key Strategy in Philosophical Practice
摘要 哲学践行(哲学咨询和治疗)是当代西方哲学研究的新范式。尽管哲学践行呈现出明显的方法论多元化,但是哲学践行家的共同任务应是对来访者信念网中潜藏的预设进行揭示与质询。部分哲学家对语义预设和语用预设进行了深入探究,而哲学践行家对预设的识别还要借助于来访者语句中的预设触发语,它们通常是一些特定的词项或句法结构。假定与预设紧密关联,假定的作用正是负载在预设身上而得以实现。通过对与预设相关的语用假定、语义假定、事实假定和共识假定的合理性进行考察,哲学践行家就有望帮助来访者解决或者消解那些由不合理预设所导致的思想困惑、心灵痛苦,从而实现哲学在日常生活中的助人功能。 Philosophical practice, which is also called philosophical counseling or philosophical therapy, is at the leading edge of applied philosophy in the west, and it has revolutionarily constituted a new paradigm in the realm of philosophical research. Although there are many different approaches in philosophical practice, philo sophical practitioner's first and foremost target is to disclose and examine the rationality of the latent presuppo sitions that are hidden in the client's web of beliefs. Philosophers such as G. Frege, P. F. Strawson and R. C. Stalnaker had investigated profoundly on semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition. To identify presuppositions, philosophical practitioners have to rely on presupposition triggers that appear in the clients' words, which are usually some particular terms or syntactic structures. Presupposition and presumption are closely connected with each other, and the role of the later is largely realized by the former. Through exami ning on the rationality of the client's implicit pragmatic presumptions, semantic presumptions, factual pre sumptions and mutual presumptions that are related to the client's presuppositions, the philosophical practi tioner may hopefully succeed in helping the client resolve or dissolve the painful perplexities in his mind, which are usually brought about by the client's irrational presuppositions. In this way, philosophical practitioners ac tually restore the therapeutic function of philosophy, making philosophy return to the normal people's daily life world to some extent.
作者 丁晓军 喻丰 DING Xiaojun, YU Feng(School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, Chin)
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期117-122,共6页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
基金 中国博士后科学基金项目(2017M613161)
关键词 哲学践行 哲学咨询 哲学治疗 预设 预设触发语 假定 价值观 philosophical practice philosophical counseling philosophical therapy presupposition presupposition trigger presumption values
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