This paper proposed a new scheme for smooth handoff over F-HMIPv6 networks based on Location Based Services(LBS). It uses the available information about mobile node(MN) such as user mobility patterns and MN's velocity to reduce handoff latency. In the proposed scheme, the movement pattern of users plays an important role in the performance analysis. The proposed scheme develops LBS that records a number of mobility patterns based on user daily behavior, and exploits these information to reduce the handoff latency. The proposed scheme is analyzed and compared with F-HMIPv6 protocol. The results show that it improves the performance in terms of handoff latency, packet delivery cost, and location update cost. Specifically, the proposed scheme achieves the tradeoff between realizing a smooth handoff and minimizing the cost that is the demand for all customers of mobile services.
This paper proposed a new scheme for smooth handoff over F-HMIPv6 networks based on Location Based Services (LBS). It uses the available information about mobile node (MN) such as user mobility patterns and MN's velocity to reduce handoff latency. In the proposed scheme, the movement pattern of users plays an important role in the perfor- mance analysis. The proposed scheme devel- ops LBS that records a number of mobility patterns based on user daily behavior, and ex- ploits these information to reduce the handoff latency. The proposed scheme is analyzed and compared with F-HMIPv6 protocol. The re- sults show that it improves the performance in terms of handoff latency, packet delivery cost, and location update cost. Specifically, the pro- posed scheme achieves the tradeoff between realizing a smooth handoff and minimizing the cost that is the demand for all customers of mobile services.
rawya rizk
heba nashaat
Rawya Rizk;Heba Nashaat(electrical engineering department,port said university,Port Said,42523,Egypt)