[目的] 分析西南某省2011 -2014年护士执业资格考试情况,为进一步有针对性的加强护生教学和护 士人才队伍建设提供参考.[方法]通过国家卫生统计系统收集护士执业资格考试相关数据,运用 Excel 2007 分析该省护士执业资格考试情况.[结果]西南某省2011 -2014年护士执业资格考试报考人分别为2. 4 8万人、 3. 02万人、3. 46万人和3. 87万人,通过率分别为37. 50%、 44. 20%、 42. 20%和 44. 20% ; 2014年的考生中, 本科及以上、大专、中专分别占总数的4.65%、15.34%和 80.01; 专业实务科目和实践能力科目的成绩中,本 科及以上考生平均分分别为100. 62分和100. 04分,专科考试平均分分别为94. 80分和94. 47分,中专考生平均 分分别为74 83分和74. 70分.[结论]西南某省2011 - 2014年护士职业资格考试人数呈上升趋势,通过率逐 年提高,但仍低于全国、西部地区、西南地区平均水平' 中专学历考生的通过率和平均分有很大的提升空间.
Objective It analyzes the sitiuation of nurse MIPA examination from 2011 to 2014 in a province of southwest so as to provide reference for further targeted strengthening nursing students teaching and talent team building. Metliods It collected relevant data of nurse MIPA examina-tion through nation healtli statistics system, analyzed the sitiaation of nurse MIPA examination in that province by Excel 2007. Results The num-ber of nurse MIPA examination from 2011 to 2014 was 24. 8, 30. 2,34. 6 and 38. 7 thousand respectively. Pass rate was 37. 5 0%, 44. 2 0%, 42. 20% and 4. 20% respectively. Among the candidates of 2014, the number of undergraduate and above, collegewas 4. 65%, 15. 34% and 80. 01%. In the score of specialty practice and practical ability subject, average score of undergraduate and above was 100. 62 and 100. 04, average score of college candidates was 94. 80 and 94. 4 7, average score of secondary candidates was 74. 83 and 74. 70. Conclu s ions The number of nurse MIPA examination from 2011 to 2014 in a province of southwest is on the rise. The pass rate raise with years,but it is still lower than average level of nationwide, western region. There is great promotion space of pass rate and average score in secondary candidates.
FUWei;CHENFan;ZHANGYong - guang;ZHANGRui;DONGYa - li(The Talent Exchange and Service Center of Yunnan Provincial Health Department,Kunming Yunnan 650200;Yunnan Medical Information Research Institute, Kunming Yunnan 650010, China;First Ajfiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, Kunming Yunnan 650000, China;Second Affiliatee Hospital of Kunming Medical University,Kunming Yunnan 650010, China)
Soft Science of Health