
对“土司”名称的出现、内涵、使用范围的考析 被引量:5

Exploration of the Appearance,Connotation and Range of Useage of the Term “Tusi”
摘要 元代至明嘉靖中期没有"土司"名称,嘉靖四十一年才出现"土司"名称。嘉靖、隆庆时土司是对武职个体的专称,在四川、贵州少数地方使用。明嘉靖至万历时,土司、土官区别明显,土司主要指属兵部的武职带"司"的职衔、衙门和官员,土官指属于吏部的文职。万历至天启、崇祯时,土司扩大为武职、文职的统称。清承明制,只是兵部所辖武职称土司,吏部所辖文职称土官。明代湖广、四川、贵州、云南、两广使用土司名称,东北诸夷、西北诸夷和属番的同类职衔没使用土司名称。清乾隆时,土司使用范围增加了甘肃、青海、西藏的土司。因此,把元明清王朝在民族地区以各族首领为世袭土职的统治制度称为土官土司制度更准确,称为土司制度不准确。 This article points out that the term"Tusi"( 土司 or native officials) did not appear during the time from the Yuan dynasty to Jiajing period of the Ming dynasty. "Tusi"was not a term bestowed by the Ming court. The term "Tusi"did not appear until the 41 st year of the Jiajing period.At that time it was an abbreviated term for military officers whose native post titles contained a "si "( 司),such as xuanwei( 宣慰),zhaotao( 招讨),xuanfu( 宣抚),anfu( 安抚),zhangguan si( 长官司),etc. Thus,the term "Tusi"was originally understood in a narrow sense. It was a special term for those individuals who held military positions during Jiajing and Longqing periods,and was used in a few places in Sichuan and Guizhou. From the Jiajing to the Wanli period,the difference between Tusi( 土司) and Tuguan( 土官,another term used for native officials) was very clear. Tusi mainly referred to official titles,the yamen( government office in feudal China),and the officials themselves whose military position in the Bingbu( 兵部 or the Ministry of War in feudal China) had the word"si"in it. Tuguan referred to civilian positions in the Libu( 吏部 or the Ministry Official Personnel Affairs in feudal China). Sometimes,Tuguan was also used for military officers,and Tusi for civilian officers.From the Wanli to the Tianqi and Congzhen periods,the term "Tusi " became very popular,and it's usage was extended to having a broader meaning which could be used both for military officers and civilian officers. In the Ming dynasty,the rules for Tusi followed that of Tuguan,and the Tusi system was actually a continuation or modification of the Tuguan system. The Qing court,officials and the local folk used the term Tusi as a joint name for the entire group and individuals who held these military and civil positions. However,the military positions under the Bingbu were still called Tusi whereas the military positions under the Libu were called Tuguan. Concerni
作者 李宗放 Li Zongfang(Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu, 610041, Siehuan, China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期25-34,103,104,105,共13页 Journal of Ethnology
关键词 土司名称 内涵 使用范围 土司制度 土官土司制度 the term "Tusi" connotation range of usage Tusi system Tuguan-Tusi system
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