

The Impact of Darwinism on Materialism Text: A Case Study of “Historical Materialism” Second Volume
摘要 19世纪后半叶,随着达尔文的《物种起源》(1859年)等著作相继问世,在自然科学和人文社会科学领域都产生了革命性的震荡作用,衍生出诸如社会达尔文主义等理论的次生形态,为其他学科提供了进化论的理论情境。在马克思主义阵营中间,也出现了试图将马克思主义生物化、将它同社会达尔文主义合为一体的理论尝试。身处达尔文主义强势进军的时代,作为马恩手稿的主要管理者之一和第二国际时期马克思主义的理论权威,考茨基早在接受马克思主义之前就迷恋上了达尔文主义,后者作为他理论储备之中一个重要的支脉,影响了他一生的理论生成。虽然随着马克思主义理论修养的提升,他有意识地试图廓清达尔文主义的影响,但在他晚年的哲学总结性巨著《唯物主义历史观》中,又再次回归到达尔文主义的解释框架之中,该书也因此呈现出多种哲学话语混合的文本形态。特别是《唯物主义历史观》第二分册完整地呈现了考茨基唯物主义历史观中人与环境之间平行互动的辩证历史过程,从各个角度反映了达尔文主义对考茨基的影响。达尔文主义概念的借用、观点的介入、例子的援引和回溯式发生学方法的论证过程,导致了考茨基的唯物主义历史观中人与自然的互动模式被对立模式置换,辩证思维被进化思维置换,规律层面的哲学演绎被现象层面的实证主义置换。 In the second half of the nineteenth century,the publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species( 1859) have caused revolutionary turmoil in the fields of natural science and humanity and social sciences,invoked many secondary theories like social Darwinism and provided theoretical context of evolution for other disciplines. Among the Marxist camp,there has also been a theoretical attempt to integrate Marxism with social Darwinism. Facing the situation where Darwinism is strongly marching,Kautsky,the main manager of the manuscripts of Marx and Engels and the theoretical authority of Marxism during the Second International,has a crush on Darwinism long before he accepted the Marxism,while the latter as an important branch of the theory of his reserve influenced his life theory generation. In his further research of Marx's theory,he consciously tried to eliminate the influence of Darwinism,but in his later life the philosophical masterpiece Historical Materialism once again returned to Darwinian framework. Therefore the book also presents a variety of philosophical discourse in mixed text. In particular,the second volume of Historical Materialism presents the dialectical historical process of parallel interaction between man and environment in Kautsky's Historical Materialism and reflects all aspects of Darwinism's precedence and potential impact. The concept of borrowing,biological examples of citation and the regressing argument process of occurrence method,leading to the results that the interactive mode of man and nature was replaced by opposite mode,dialectical thinking is replaced by evolutionary thinking,algorithmic philosophy was replaced by phenomenological positivism in Historical Materialism.
作者 唐永 张明 TANG Yong;ZHANG Ming(Political College, National Defense University, Shanghai 200433, Chin)
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期28-34,共7页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"第二国际时期马克思主义哲学基本原理的历史性建构考察"(项目批准号:13CZX003) 国家社科基金项目"聚焦强军目标创新军队思想政治教育模式研究"(项目批准号:14BKS098)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 考茨基 达尔文主义 唯物主义历史观 生物学 Kautsky Darwinism historical materialism positivism
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