
非法证据排除规则若干新问题释疑——以《关于办理刑事案件严格排除非法证据若干问题的规定》为分析场域 被引量:6

Interpretations to Some New Issues in the Exclusionary Rule of Illegal Evidence: Taking the Provisions on Several Issues Concerning the Exclusion of Illegal Evidence in Criminal Cases as the Analysis Field
摘要 对《关于办理刑事案件严格排除非法证据若干问题的规定》中部分条文的理解需严格按照立法条文进行论理解释。《规定》对非法证据的范围认定应依据刑事诉讼法第54条的规定在形式上限定为犯罪嫌疑人或被告人供述、证人证言、被害人陈述、物证、书证五种,在实质要件上应把握非法证据之"非法性"体现于对公民宪法性基本权利的严重侵害。对《规定》第9条"所外讯问"的理解应恪守刑事诉讼法第116条的规定,将因客观原因进行合理解释的所外讯问理解为羁押前因客观原因不能及时送看守所的所外讯问,以及送看守所后在讯问室以外的所内讯问。坚持刑事诉讼法第57条第2款的立法精神,《规定》第31条第3款对侦查人员出庭说明情况做了进一步完善,增加了控辩审三方发问的规定,是对当下自由证明向严格证明转化的最新理论的吸收,体现了当下立法和司法者对取证合法性问题的重视及对相关程序争点查明过程中的审慎态度。 Logical interpretations to some articles in The Provisions on Several Issues concerning the Exclusion of Illegal Evidence in Criminal Cases(The Provisions)must be in strict accordance with the legislative provisions.The Provisions shall determine the scope of illegal evidence according to the provisions of Article 54 of The Criminal Procedure Law,in which the illegal evidence is limited to five forms:criminal suspect or defendant confession,witness testimony,victim statement,physical evidence and documentary evidence.In terms of substantial elements,the illegality of illegal evidence shall be understood as the serious infringement of citizens’constitutional fundamental rights.The interpretations to Article 9 of the"outside interrogation"shall abide by the provisions of Article 116 of The Criminal Procedure Law.Under this article,the outside interrogation for objective reasons shall be understood as the outside interrogation on the person who cannot be sent to the detention center for objective reasons before detention,and the interrogation outside the interrogation room after being sent to the detention center.Article 31 paragraph 3 of The Provisions persists in the legislative spirit of Article 57 paragraph 2 of The Criminal Procedure Law,improves the description of investigators’court appearances,and adds the provision of questioning by prosecution,defense and judges.It has absorbed the latest theory advocating the shift from the current free proof to the strict proof.Also,it shows that the current legislation and judicial persons highlight the legality of evidence collection and are prudent in identifying the relevant procedural disputes.
作者 董坤 DONG Kun(Shi Liang School of Law, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, Jiangsu;Institute of Procuratorial Theory of Supreme People' s Procuratorate, Beijing 100144, China)
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期81-94,共14页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"检察环节刑事错案成因与对策的实证研究"(14CFX023)
关键词 非法证据排除规则 不可靠证据排除规则 所外讯问 侦查人员出庭 exclusionary rule of illegal evidence exclusionary rule of unreliable evidence outside interrogation appearance of investigator in court
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