For the Mandarin Chinese construction ‘XP + de + N', where N is a content noun and XP is a complement clause which actualises what N signifies, since N's semantic structure tends to specify the truth value of N's ‘content', the truth value of XP may be entailed therein. This semantic performance shows that some nouns also have a factivity function. In view of this nominal factivity, the present research combines ‘XP + de + N' with a verb(V) which directly predicates N into the main clause ‘(Sub+) V + XP + de + N', with the aim to test whether XP can serve as the presupposition of the proposition(i.e., the main clause). The test shows that, if N is factive, XP is the presupposition of the main clause(e.g., Wǒ tīngshuō le Xiǎo Wáng zuì jià de shìshí. → Xiǎo Wáng zuì jià. [I heard the fact that Xiao Wang drank before driving. → Xiao Wang drank before driving.]) and that, if N is counter-factive, ﹁XP is the presupposition of the main clause(e.g., Wǒ tīngshuō le Xiǎo Wáng xī dú de yáoyán. → Xiǎo Wáng méi yǒu xī dú. [I heard the rumor that Xiao Wang took addictive drugs. → Xiao Wang didn't take addictive drugs]). Otherwise, the truth value of XP will be affected by what is meant by V. In this case, N can be classified into four types according to their syntactic performances and semantic features, i.e., the weak factive, semi-factive, weak counter-factive and non-factive. These six types of nouns are different in terms of their semantic features.
YUAN Yu-lin;KOU Xin(Department of Chinese Language and Literature / Center for Chinese Linguistics / Key Laboratory of Computational Linguistics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
Studies in Language and Linguistics