

Analysis of Physiological Genetic Variation of Apple Hybrid Variety 'Sushuai'
摘要 为探索杂交品种‘苏帅’表观优良性状遗传的生理机制,以杂交品种‘苏帅’和父本‘金冠’、母本‘印度’为材料,通过分析‘苏帅’和‘金冠’、‘印度’等苹果品种的节间数、节间长度以及叶片内源激素、果实可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、叶绿素的含量;采用石蜡切片法、扫描电镜等方法比较其叶片结构,测定叶片光合气体交换参数。结果表明,‘金冠’和‘印度’的节间长度显著大于‘苏帅’苹果的节间长度,‘苏帅’苹果叶片叶绿素相对含量显著高于‘金冠’和‘印度’;果实可溶性固形物含量与‘金冠’虽然没有显著性差异,但可滴定酸的含量明显高于‘金冠’苹果;‘苏帅’苹果内源激素脱落酸(ABA)、赤霉素(GA)、吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)、玉米素核苷(ZR)与‘金冠’和‘印度’相比均呈显著差异。‘苏帅’苹果叶片下表皮气孔长度大于‘印度’,且差异极显著,但小于‘金冠’,气孔宽度显著宽于‘印度’,与‘金冠’没有明显差异;‘苏帅’苹果气孔密度极显著小于‘金冠’和‘印度’;‘金冠’和‘印度’栅栏细胞组织排列较紧密,栅栏组织和海绵组织分界限明显,而‘苏帅’苹果的栅栏组织细胞排列相对杂乱,细胞大小也不一致,与海绵组织界限不明显;‘苏帅’苹果叶片、上下表皮、栅栏组织及海绵组织厚度显著高于‘金冠’和‘印度’,栅栏组织和海绵组织比值也显著高于‘金冠’和‘印度’。‘苏帅’苹果与父母本相比表现出节间短、叶片变厚、光合作用增强等性状多样性,为苹果生产提供了新品种,也为苹果新品种的培育提供了珍贵的种质资源。 This research aims to explore the physiological genetic mechanism of apply hybrid variety ‘Sushuai'. Taking the hybrid‘Sushuai'and its male parent‘Golden Delicious' and female parent‘Indo'as the materials, the number and length of internodes, chlorophyll content, fruit soluble solids and titrable acid content, along with endogenous hormone content in leaf were measured and analyzed. The paraffin section and scanning electron microscopy technology were employed to compare leaf structure of‘Sushuai',‘GoldenDelicious' and‘Indo'. Moreover, parameters of photosynthetic gas exchange were also studied. The internodesof‘Sushuai'were significantly shorter than those of‘Golden Delicious' and‘Indo'in length, while itsrelative chlorophyll amount was significantly higher than its parents. The titrable acid content of‘Sushuai'was significantly higher than that of‘Golden Delicious' while there is no significant difference of solublesolids between the two. The endogenous hormone abscisic acid(ABA), gibberellin(GA), indole 3 acetic acid(IAA) and zeatin riboside(ZR) content of‘Sushuai'were all different compared with those of‘Golden Delicious' and‘Indo'. The under skin stomatal of‘Sushuai'was smaller than that of‘Golden Delicious' while higher than ‘Indo' in length, with P0.01. The stomatal width of‘Sushuai'was significantly higher thanthat of‘Indo'and showed no significant difference with‘Golden Delicious'. The stomatal density of‘Sushuai'was smaller than its parents with significant difference. The palisade tissue cells of ‘Sushuai' wereinconsistent in size, and were arranged in a relatively messy way with no obvious boundaries of sponge tissue.As for ‘Golden Delicious' and‘Indo', the cells of palisade tissue set close, neatly arranged and had obviousboundaries with sponge tissue. For‘Sushuai', the total thickness, on and under skins, palisade tissue andspongy tissue thickness and the ratio of palisade to spong
作者 蒋梦婷 辛璐 龚洪泳 侯应军 渠慎春 Jiang Mengting, Xin Lu, Gong Hongyong, Hou Yingjun, Qu Shenchun(College of Horticulture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 21009)
出处 《中国农学通报》 2018年第7期58-64,共7页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金"苹果高效安全避雨栽培技术体系集成创新与示范"[CX(13)3006] 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金"矮化自根砧苹果产业链技术创新与集成应用"[CX(15)1022]
关键词 苹果 叶片结构 内源激素 Malus domestica leaf structure endogenous hormone
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