由于规程、规则的改变 ,导致团体格局发生了变化 ,白俄罗斯队首次在 2 0 0 1年根特世界体操锦标赛夺得团体桂冠 ,体操强国俄罗斯队则下滑至第七 ,主要原因是起评分较低和发挥不稳定。全能、单项决赛的七块金牌被五个国家的运动员瓜分。准确把握各单项技术发展趋向 ,并付诸实践是今后训练的重点。新规程、新规则引发了对传统的训练指导思想的思考 ,为了对团体全能单项全面发起冲击 ,在保证一定数量的全能选手的前提下 ,须着力培养能兼项的”特长”型选手 ,正确掌握各项目的前沿技术 ,严格把好每一个动作的规格质量关 ,精心培养、合理配置及使用人才 。
Due to the change of the code of points and regulations the teams' pattern was changed. As a result, the Belgium team obtained the team's champion, while the strong team of Russia dropped and got the seventh. The main reasons are that its starting score was low and its performance was unsteady. The gymnasts of five countries shared the seven gold medals of the all round and individual finals. For future training it should be emphasized to grasp the trend of the technique development of each individual event and to put it into practice. The new code of points and regulations cause each country to reconsider the traditional guiding ideology of training. In order to challenge the total victory of the team, all round and individual events, it is important to exert efforts to cultivate gymnasts of having specialties, capable of majoring either in one event, or in others, on the premise of ensuring the cultivation of a certain number of all round gymnasts. Therefore, it is of significance to master the forward technique of each event correctly,to guarantee the standard and quality of every movement strictly, to take pains to foster gymnasts, to dispose and employ them rationally in order that the Chinese gymnasts will keep the dominant position of gymnastics.
Journal of Beijing Sport University