[Objective] Observation acupuncture point pain treatment of frozen shoulder effect. [Methods] Using randomized parallel control method, 106 inpatients were randomly divided into two groups according to the patient's lot number. The control group of 53 cases of conventional acupuncture, needle 20 min/times, 1 time/d. In the treatment group, acupuncture was given to 53 acupoints of pain points of the acupuncture points to find out the nodules around the contralateral popliteal fossa with tender points. The surface of the skin was routinely disinfected. One-time Huapai acupuncture (0.35 x 40mm) acupuncture, 30s strong stimulation, the patient felt the most affected range of acupuncture limb movement, 3 times/week. Continuous treatment for 2 weeks for a course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms, pain, shoulder activity, adverse reactions. Continuous treatment of 3 courses, followed up for 6 months to determine the efficacy. [Results] The treatment group cured 30 cases, 14 cases markedly effective in 7 cases, 2 cases were ineffective, the total effective rate was 96.20%; control group, 26 cases cured, effective in 12 cases, effective in 6 cases, ineffective in 9 cases, the total effective rate was 83.00%; treatment group The curative effect is better than the control group (P 〈0.05). The degree of pain and the degree of shoulder activity improvement in the treatment group were better than those in the control group (P〈0.01). [Conclusion] Acupuncture point pain treatment of frozen shoulder, the effect is satisfactory, no serious adverse reactions, it is worth promoting.
XIANG Naa, CAO Ruib(Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Massage Institute: a.2015 Level Acupuncture and Massage Basis and Clinical, b.Massage Teaching and Research Room,Shenyang 110847,Chin)
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine