
福斯特的生态思想:个人道德视角抑或生产方式视角?——兼与唐正东教授商榷 被引量:2

Foster's Ecological Thought:Personal Morality or Mode of Production?——Discussion with Professor Tang Zheng-dong
摘要 唐正东教授先是发文提出福斯特的生态学思想是从道德层面来理解生态危机的解决之路,若干年后他又发文指出由于社会环境的改变,福斯特的思想也由之前的个人道德视角转变成生产方式视角。期间,唐正东教授认为福斯特是一个没有哲学"味道"的、基于社会学立场的批判理论家,他擅长于对问题的发现及对问题之严重性的揭示,但显然不擅长于对一些具有思辨性问题的理解。通过分析我们发现,唐正东教授对福斯特的各种分析和判断是不全面的,是片面地理解了福斯特的深刻思想,并且福斯特的生态学思想也是在变化中的,我们要运用历史的、辩证的方法来看待他的生态思想的流变。福斯特的生态学思想是运用马克思主义政治经济学原理对当今资本主义制度,特别是由资本主义制度引起的生态危机的政治经济学批判。 Professor Tang Zheng-dong first published anunderstand the solution of the ecological crisis from thearticle which claimed that Foster' s ecological thought is tomoral level. Several years later, he pointed out in anotherarticle that due to changes in social environment, Foster' s thought also changed from a personal moral perspectiveinto a production mode. In the meantime, Professor TANG Zheng-dong considered Foster just as a philosophical"tasteless" critical theorist based on sociological positions. He is good at discovering and revealing the seriousnessof the problems, but obviously not good at understanding some speculative ones. Through the analysis, we foundthat Professor Tang Zheng-dong' s various analysis and judgments on Forster are not comprehensive. On the onehand, his understanding of Forster' s deep thoughts is one-sided. On the other hand, Forster' s ecological thoughtsare also changing and we should use historical and dialectical methods to look at the evolution of his ecologicalthoughts. The author believes that Forster' s ecological thought is a political economy critique on today' s capitalistsystem, especially the ecological crisis caused by capitalist system, based on Marxism political economics.
作者 何山青 HE Shan - qing(School of Marxism, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620, Chin)
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期109-114,共6页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
关键词 个人道德 生产方式 生态学马克思主义 personal morality mode of production ecological marxism
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