Professor Tang Zheng-dong first published anunderstand the solution of the ecological crisis from thearticle which claimed that Foster' s ecological thought is tomoral level. Several years later, he pointed out in anotherarticle that due to changes in social environment, Foster' s thought also changed from a personal moral perspectiveinto a production mode. In the meantime, Professor TANG Zheng-dong considered Foster just as a philosophical"tasteless" critical theorist based on sociological positions. He is good at discovering and revealing the seriousnessof the problems, but obviously not good at understanding some speculative ones. Through the analysis, we foundthat Professor Tang Zheng-dong' s various analysis and judgments on Forster are not comprehensive. On the onehand, his understanding of Forster' s deep thoughts is one-sided. On the other hand, Forster' s ecological thoughtsare also changing and we should use historical and dialectical methods to look at the evolution of his ecologicalthoughts. The author believes that Forster' s ecological thought is a political economy critique on today' s capitalistsystem, especially the ecological crisis caused by capitalist system, based on Marxism political economics.
HE Shan - qing(School of Marxism, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620, Chin)
Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology