This paper study the relationship between inbound tourism development and air pollution by VAR model. The empirical results show that air pollution in Beijing has an impeding effect on the inbound tourism development. The impact of inbound tourism on air pollution is negligible in the initial stage of inbound tourism development. The negative effect of inbound tourism on air pollution has begun to emerge with the development of inbound tourism in Beijing. Second, the test of Granger causality shows that air pollution is the Granger cause of inbound tourism development, which means that the increase of air pollution and the increase of air pollution will lead to the decrease of demand for inbound tourism, which hinders the development of inbound tourism. Third, impulse response analysis shows the decline in the air quality caused by the development of inbound tourism in the short term. The negative impact of air pollution on inbound tourism development has a certain lag. Fourth, the variance decomposition shows that the effect of air pollution on the development of inbound tourism is gradually enhanced and has a cumulative effect, while the impact of inbound tourism on air pollution is relatively weak.
TANG Jiechen1, YUAN Xinyu2(1. Faculty of Management and Economics, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming Yunnan 650093, China; 2. Faculty of Economics and Management, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming Yunnan 650500, Chin)
Ecological Economy