In software engineering, system modeling is a process of describing the representation of a real system in an abstract way. Software testing encourages reuse of these models for testing, which speeds up the process of test case generation. The various model diagrams of UML have been used by the testers to generate test scenarios and test data, in which the use case diagram of the static model, the activity diagram of the dynamic model, the sequence diagram, and the state diagram are the most wide- ly used. In order to improve the understanding of the UML based testing technology by summarizing the existing methods. Mainly from different aspects, classifies and discusses the methods of generating test cases for different UML model diagrams, and the methods of generating test cases based on sequence diagrams, summarizes the activity diagrams and state graphs.
CHEN Xiao-lin(College of Computer Science, Siehuan University, Chengdu 61006)
Modern Computer