4Department of the Environment. Transport and the Regions. 2000. Our Towns and Cities: The Future-Delivering an Urban Renaissance (Urban White Paper). 被引量:1
5Department of the Environment. A Guide to Better Practice (PPG 13). London: HMSO. 被引量:1
6Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. 2002. Guidance Note: Best Value Performance Plan and Reviews. 被引量:1
7Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. 2005. Planning Policy Statement 1 : Delivering Sustainable Development. London: HMSO. 被引量:1
8Urban Task Force. 1999. Towards an Urban Renaissance. London: Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions and Thomas Telford Publishing. 被引量:1
9John Ratcliffe,Michael Stubbs and Mark Shepherd. 2002. Urban Planning and Real Estate Development (2nd ed.). London and New York: Spon Press. 被引量:1
10Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. 2001. Reforming Planning Obligations: A Consultation Paper. London: DETR. 被引量:1