为了掌握兰州市城区犬细小病毒病的流行情况及特点,为有效防控犬细小病毒病提供依据,项目组对2015年10月至2016年9月兰州市城区甘肃农业职业技术学院宠物门诊、安居宠物门诊、伊宝康动物医院等十家宠物医院前来就诊的4 052只患犬进行了犬细小病毒病的诊断,经检测有1 028只患细小病毒病,对1 028只患犬进行了流行病学调查。结果表明:兰州市城区犬细小病毒病1岁以内的犬最易感,其中主要以1月龄到3月龄的幼犬最易感;公犬较母犬易感染;未免疫犬比免疫犬易感;一年四季均可发生,冬春季节发病率相对较高。
In order to master the epidemiology and features of canine parvovirus disease in Lanzhou city, provide effective basis for canine parvovirus disease's prevention and control, 4052 pet dogs from ten pet hospitals (the pet clinic in Gansu Agri cultural Vocational and Technical College , home pet clinic, Iraq Po Hong animal hospitals and other pet hospitals of Lanzhou City, 2015.10-2016.9 )were chosen and diagnosed, of which 1028 were confirmed as suffering CPV victims. And then these victims were surveyed by epidemiology method, results showed that dogs within 1-year age were susceptible to CPV, especially for the dogs between 1 month and three months old. Compared with female dogs, male ones are more susceptible, and non-im mune dogs are more susceptible than immune dogs. Moreover, CPV could happen all year around, and the disease incidence is relatively high in winter and spring.
JING Shu-yan, ZHAO Qiu-xia, SONG Shi-bin, LI Wan-sheng(Gansu Agriculture Technology College , Lanzhou Gansu 730020, Chin)
Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine