目的了解济南市麻疹流行特征和高发原因,为麻疹防控提供依据。方法通过国家"麻疹监测信息报告管理系统"收集2016年济南市麻疹病例资料和由本市医疗机构报告的外地麻疹病例资料,并进行流行病学描述。结果 2016年济南市麻疹发病968例,发病率为13.57/10万。其中确诊947例(97.83%),超过前5年平均发病水平5倍多,死亡病例1例。<1岁儿童发病率最高425.38/10万。≥15岁病例占52.89%,其次为8月龄至6岁儿童占25.10%。8月龄至6岁儿童含麻疹成分疫苗(Measles Containing Vaccine,MCV)估算接种率<90%,8~11月龄儿童估算接种率<80%。2016年济南市报告外地麻疹病例522例,本市麻疹病例和报告外地麻疹病例的比例为1.85∶1。报告外地病例出现高峰的时间早于本市病例。本市<1岁病例中,发病前7~21d有医院就诊史的占72.04%,其中有济南市儿童医院就诊史的占62.03%。结论济南市2016年麻疹高发主要与易感人群积累,大量外地病例涌入和医院暴露有关。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of measles and causes for high incidence in Jinan city,so as to provide basis for measles prevention and control. Methods Surveillance data of measles cases in Jinan and imported measles cases reported by hospitals in Jinan city in 2016 were collected from the national measles surveillance in formation system. The surveillance data were analyzed by the descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 968 measles cases were in Jinan city,and the incidence was 13.57/10^5 ,2016. Of all the cases,947 cases (97.83%) were laboratory confirmed. The number of measles cases in 2016 was 5 times more than the average level of recent five years and one death case was reported in 2016. the incidence of children aged %1 year old was the highest and was 425.38/ 10^5. Cases over 15 years old accounted for 52.89% and children of 8 months to 6 years old accounted for 25.10%. Estimated vaccination coverage of measles containing vaccines (MCV) for children of 8 months to 6 years old was lower than 90% ,while it was lower than 80% for children 0f 8 months to 11 months. 522 measles cases coming from other cities were reported by hospitals in Jinan city and the ratio of local measles cases to imported measles cases was 1.85 : 1. Peak of imported cases appeared to be earlier than those local cases. 72.04% of local cases aged 〈1 year old had hospital exposure 7-21 days prior to the onset of the disease and of which 62.03 % had Jinan municipal children's hospital exposure. Conclusion The high measles incidence in Jinan city in 2016 is associated with the accumulation of susceptible popuIation,a great number of infectious cases importation and nosocomial infection.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Nosocomial infection
Estimated vaccination coverage