The Pleistocene reticulated red soil is traditionally regarded as good records of the paleoclimatic changes. The reticulated red soil layer in reticulated red soil section includes two parts:namely, the white reticulated mottles and the red matrix. However, there are still controversies over the iron migration from white reticulated mottles to red matrix during the pedogenesis process of reticulated red soil. The migration model for the iron of reticulated red soil layer has been developed in this paper based on the mass conservation law. By taking homogeneous red soil as parent material, the developed model was simulated with data input of the average content of Al, Fe, Ti of both the white reticulated mottles and the red matrix in reticulated laterite layer in mid subtropical zone of China, and the average content of Al, Fe, Ti of both the white reticulated mottles and the red matrix in Tangxi laterite soil section in Zhejiang, South China, and the content of Al, Ti, Fe of both the white reticulated mottles and the red matrix in Lushan WJ laterite soil section in Jiangxi, south China. The simulated results showed that, the average migration amount of iron from the white reticulated mottles to the red matrix in the middle subtropical zone of China and Tangxi laterite soil section is 0.87% and 0.65%, respectively. The migration amount of iron from the white reticulated mottles to the red matrix in 5 reticulated red soil layers in Lushan WJ section is 0.10%, 0.32%, 0.86%, 0.98% and 0.55%, respectively, which are all greater than zero, indicating the potential iron migration from white reticulated mottles to red matrix. The simulated results also showed that, the average migration amount of iron from white reticulated mottles to red matrix accounts for 55% and 60% of the total iron migration in the reticulated red soil in the middle subtropical zone of China and Tangxi section, respectively. Meanwhile, the migration amount of iron from white reticulated mottles to red matrix accounts for 10%, 26%, 50%, 70% and 51
Quaternary Sciences
red reticulated soil, white reticulated mottles, red matrix, iron migration