
面向美国5所图书馆移动创客空间的构建研究 被引量:11

A Research of Mobile Makerspace Construction Oriented 5 Libraries in America
摘要 为探析美国5所图书馆移动创客空间构建的成功经验,为国内图书馆构建移动创客空间提供理论指导,以帮助存在空间不足、资金缺乏等系列问题的图书馆提供创客服务。文章在整理国内外相关文献和网络调研的基础上,选取芝加哥公共图书馆、内华达大学De La Mare科学与工程图书馆、罗格斯大学艺术图书馆、旧金山公共图书馆、加利福利亚圣何塞公共图书馆美国5所图书馆为研究对象,分别分析其移动创客空间的建设模式、构建目的、建设现状,并讨论他们在构建过程中所面临的挑战,如经费来源、设备管理、馆员与用户培训等。国内图书馆在构建移动创客空间时可从以下4个方面去考虑与实践:依据本馆特色,选择不同模式移动创客空间;构建线上互动服务,满足用户个性化需求;针对跨学科背景,配置多种便捷小巧创客设备;合理筹集与运用经费,促进移动创客空间可持续发展。 The paper is aimed to explore the successful cases of the construction of mobile makerspaces in five US libraries and provide theoretical guidance for the construction of mobile makerspaces in domestic libraries,which exists the problems such as lack of space and funds in offering the services of makerspace. Based on the domestic and international related literature and network research,the Chicago Public Library, University of Nevada ' s De La Mare Science and Engineering Library,Rutgers University Art Library,San Francisco Public Library and California San Jose Public Library were selected as the research object, and the paper respectively analyzed the construction mode,construction purpose and construction status of the mobile makerspace and discussed the challenges they faced in the construction,such as funding sources, equipment management, librarians and user training. Domestic libraries can consider and practice according to the following four aspects when constructing a mobile makerspace: Choosing different modes to construct mobile makerspace according to the library characteristics; Building online interactive services to meet the personalized needs of users; Providing a variety of convenient small-sized maker devices according to the users' interdisciplinary background; Raising and using the funds reasonably to promote the sustainable development of mobile makerspace.
作者 袁荃
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期96-100,F0003,共6页 Research on Library Science
基金 湖北省技术创新专项软科学项目"众包环境下面向湖北省科技情报机构的工作机制变革研究"(项目编号:2017ADC106)的研究成果之一
关键词 图书馆创客空间 移动创客空间 图书馆服务 library makerspace mobile makerspace library service
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