The authors describe a novel technique utilizing a ventral incision to perform implantation of a penile prosthesis and a double-dorsal patch graft/sliding technique in patients with severe Peyronie's disease. The clinical impact of utilizing a ventral incision could be a paradigm shift in surgical access to the penile shaft tunica albuginea. In comparison, the traditional subcoronal circumcision incision for degloving the penis has led to many postoperative complications of the distal penis, including glans necrosis. Personally, I will now use this novel technique in similar cases of patients with vascular compromise.
The authors describe a novel technique utilizing a ventral incision to perform implantation of a penile prosthesis and a double-dorsal patch graft/sliding technique in patients with severe Peyronie's disease. The clinical impact of utilizing a ventral incision could be a paradigm shift in surgical access to the penile shaft tunica albuginea. In comparison, the traditional subcoronal circumcision incision for degloving the penis has led to many postoperative complications of the distal penis, including glans necrosis. Personally, I will now use this novel technique in similar cases of patients with vascular compromise.