1例52岁男性患者行输精管吻合术前1 h静脉滴注注射用头孢呋辛钠1.5 g(皮试阴性),术后1 h静脉滴注盐酸左氧氟沙星氯化钠注射液0.4 g和注射用头孢呋辛钠1.5 g。次日患者双下肢出现散在淡红色皮疹伴瘙痒,同时双脚跟腱区皮肤发红。因皮疹不严重未停用左氧氟沙星和头孢呋辛钠。术后第3天皮疹加重,出现水泡伴瘙痒和轻度疼痛;双侧跟腱区皮肤红肿加重,伴轻度疼痛。诊断:麻疹样红斑,跟腱炎。考虑可能与左氧氟沙星和头孢呋辛钠有关。停用左氧氟沙星和头孢呋辛钠,给予抗过敏等对症治疗。停药3 d后,患者皮疹面积缩小、水泡吸收,跟腱红肿疼痛程度减轻;停药第6天,患者皮疹与跟腱炎痊愈。
A 52-year-old male patient received an IV infusion of cefuroxime sodium 1.5 g one hour before undergoing vasovasotomy (skin test: negative). One hour after the operation, he received IV infusion of levofloxacin hydrochloride sodium chloride injection 0.4 g and cefuroxime sodium 1.5 g. The sporadic light red erythra appeared on his both lower extremities and skin redness on his feet achilles tendon on the next day. The clinical doctor thought that the erythra was not serious, so the drugs were not stopped. On day 3 after operation, his erythra was serious. There were blisters on the erythra, accompanied with pruritus and mild pain. The serious skin redness eveloped on his achilles tendon of both feet and accompanied by mild pain. The patient was diagnosed as erythema morbilliforme and tendinitis achillea which might be related to levofloxacin hydrochloride and cefuroxime sodium. Levofloxacin hydrochloride sodium chloride injection and cefuroxime sodium were stopped. The patient received symptomatic treatment including antianaphylaxis. On day 3 of drug withdrawal, the erythema decreased, the blisters were absorbed. The degree of inflammation alleviated. On day 6 of drug withdrawal, his erythema and tendinitis achillea recovered.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal