利用1962~2011年中国各植被类型区的452个站点的气温资料,分析了各植被类型区的年平均温度和极端温度随时间的变化趋势。结果表明:(1)过去50 a间,中国各植被类型区年平均气温、年平均最高温、年平均最低温都显著升高,并且最低温增温速度快于最高温增温速度,呈温差减小的不对称增温趋势;同时,寒冷地区增温速度高于温暖地区的增温速度,其中寒温带森林的增温幅度超过亚热带森林的2倍。近30 a间,寒温带森林区和温带森林区增温速度减缓,其他各植被类型区增温速度加快,呈现出热带、亚热带地区增温速度高于温带、寒温带地区的空间特点;(2)最高温增温速度在变快,最低温增加速度在变慢,多个植被类型区的最高温增温速度高于最低温增温速度,呈现出一种新的不对称增温趋势,即最高温与最低温间的温差在加大;(3)过去50 a和近30 a间,生长季和非生长季的温度变化多样,并分别对年平均温度产生了不同的影响,而生长季和非生长季温度的不同变化分别决定于其最高温和最低温的多样变化。
The long-term trends of annual mean temperature(T_(mean)), mean maximum temperature(T_(max)) and minimum temperature(T_(min)) were analyzed across 453 weather stations from 1962-2011 across 8 vegetation regions according to China vegetation regionalization. During the past 50 years, T_(mean), T_(max)and T_(min)increased significantly in all vegetation regions. In addition, the slope of temperature increase of T_(min)was greater than that of T_(max). There was significant difference in slopes between T_(max)and T_(min)for all vegetation regions except for cold temperate forest, subtropical and tropical forests, showing asymmetric warming in temperature over time,i.e. the difference between T_(max)and T_(min)was gradually reduced. Over the recent 30 years, T_(mean), T_(max)and T_(min)increased significantly for all vegetation regions except for T_(max)in temperate forest and T_(min)in temperate cold forest. The rate of temperature increase gradually increased for T_(max), but decreased for T_(min)over the recent 30 years. The rate of temperature increase of T_(max)tended to be slower than that of T_(min)on alpine steppe, cold temperate forest and subtropical forest regions, but faster on the rest of vegetation regions. However, no significant difference was detected for the rate of temperature increase between T_(max)and T_(min)in any other vegetation regions. The temperature in growing season and non-growing season varied greatly and had different effects on T_(mean)during the past 50 years and recent 30 years. The changes of temperature in growing season and non-growing season were depended on changes of T_(max)and T_(min). For growing season, T_(mean), T_(max)and T_(min)increase significantly during the last 50 years for all vegetation regions except for warm forest region. In addition, the slope of temperature increase for T_(min)was greater than that of T_(max), showing asymme
Scientia Geographica Sinica
vegetation region
temperature changes
asymmetric warming
growing season
non-growing sea-son